Friday, June 1, 2007

June 1

At least seven 18 people were stabbed at the jail on Forrest Street.

Federal prosecutors are furious about

Hamm: "We understand now we need help.” Transportation authority and transit administration police will patrol part of 295, and Hamm hopes state police will patrol the city's four-mile stretch of 83.

Sobering stats: "Baltimore may still be losing population, but one group of people floods the city each year: Ex-offenders. About 8,600 of them ... That’s more than 1 percent of the city’s population."

Duane Tyvon Elkerson, 29, of the 7100 block of Burford Court, pled guilty to second-degree murder and attempted first degree-murder; Judge John C. Themelis sentenced Elkerson to 25 years in prison, the entire first five of which must be served without parole. On July 20, 2006 Elkerson shot Antonio Alford, 22, in the 5500 block of Hadden Avenue. He later died of his injuries at Sinai Hospital. A second victim was also shot but survived his injuries.

Sean Graham of Rockville was convicted of participating in killing a group-home counselor and stuffing his body in a closet in Utah at the tender age of 17.

The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Juanita Robinson, 27, of the 800 block of Bradhurst Road for first-degree murder. Court documents allege Juanita Robinson shot Andre McBride, 21, in the head in the 6600 Knottwood Court [#73] and that she is/was the victim’s girlfriend and the last person seen with him before the shooting incident. McBride died at Sinai hospital on March 31, 2007.

The BCGJ also indicted Damon Simpson, 16, of the 2800 block of W. Lafayette Street for first-degree murder and other charges. Court documents allege Damon Simpson is the suspect responsible for shooting Charles Hargrove [#65] multiple times in the 2600 block of Rayner Avenue, leading to his death on March 20, 2007.

Shocking Taser Deaths-- skinnerLaw-enforcement sources told the Post that Marcus D. Skinner, who was electrocuted by tasers in PGC six days ago, was handcuffed while cops zapped him.
taserA Taser was also cited as a contributing factor in the death of Ryan Lee Meyers, who died March 18 after being stunned in the County, plus at least two other deaths in the state this year.

Neil B. Rather, 18, of the 2900 block of Garrison Blvd. was ID'd as the teenager fatally shot Tuesday afternoon in the 3400 block of Clifton Ave., plus, is "cutting" the new "stabbing"? in today's Blotter.

Brandon T. Morris, "accused of killing a correctional officer, kidnapping a hospital visitor and carjacking a taxi driver" caused a ruckus when he jumped out of his chair yesterday.

Animal control officials say there's been an increase in dogfighting, Sun rings words "culture," "sport" with quotemarks

Baltimore County Circuit Judge Lawrence Daniels just may be MD's only judge who lives in the courthouse.

Three Perverts
kirsten ann kinley/ kinelyCase dismissed? Not for teacher: Kirsten Ann Kinley/ Kinely of HoCo was indicted and charged with sexual solicitation of a 15-year-old boy and third-degree sex offense charges. Whoa and hold up.. that's the second boy she's "been inappropriate" with! Guhross!!

Also foul: 76-year-old Kezia Twinkle(?!) McNeal was arrested in North Point for sexually abusing a five-year-old girl.

And, Navy mechanic Steven Diles, 42, of Annapolis now also has kid-porn charges after feds busted him trying to meet a make-believe 14-year-old he solicited on AIM.

"Dow Jones & Co.'s 125-year history as an independent media company could be nearing an end," the Wally Jay's parent will most likely be sold to News Corp.

Media Landscape Redefined By 24-Second News Cycle

Standard & Poor's has upgraded the city's bond rating!


  1. If words have any meaning, then cut is a more general term that includes stabbing, and slashing. But a stab (thrusting stroke) is not a slash (sweeping stroke). In any case it looks sloppy not knowing what it was and printing anyway. But to find out would require actual reporting.

  2. Brandon T. Morris is a perfect example of why the death penalty is needed. Even in prison the man is clearly still a danger to others. What's ridiculous is that even though he is unquestionably guilty (an eyewitness saw him commit cold blooded murder) it'll take a couple decades to execute him, if he ever does face the the death penalty at all that is. I see no reason why he couldn't have received a fair trial and been killed within 30 days of when the crime was committed.

  3. I wish I'd had a teacher like Kirsten Ann Kinley when I was 15...

  4. Howzabout they have a constitutional right to a speedy trial, and then citizens have a right to a speedy execution, unless an appeals court issues a preliminary injunction affirmatively acknowledging the finding of an apparent defect in the conviction.

  5. She's depraved on account she's deprived!

  6. A high-speed pursuit of a fleeing motorcycle in PG county yesterday led to an accident that killed two people and injured fifteen. If you run from the cops and that results in someone dying in an accident is that felony homicide?

  7. from the Sun:

    "According to city officials, there are 140 vacant positions in the department, which has an authorized strength of about 3,200. Union officials said the department has more than 2,900 officers and is about 300 officers short.

    Dixon said Thursday that the city has hired 1,195 new officers since 1997 -- most recently 206 in fiscal 2006 and 231 in fiscal 2007."

    (emphasis mine)

    That's kinda like announcing that you've bailed 50 gallons of water out of the boat....

    ...and neglecting to mention the 75 gallons that came in during the process.

  8. Wow, Kezia Twinkle McNeal sure looks like the stereotypical child molester.

  9. I just moved to Baltimore...When is this violence and drug problem going to end it looks like hell on earth here...This is CRAZY!!!! Why doesnt the city and the cities people stand up against this?

  10. You're trolling right, Anon #1?

  11. WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT SNITCH link on your site...It is sick..I guess you like people dying at your expense, who cares about young black children is what YOU are saying isnt it?

  12. Bad form Anon #3.

    Because we all know if I hadn't checked the site today, I wouldn't have seen the snitch link. And if I hadn't seen the snitch link, I wouldn't have found out that I was wrong about thinking Tater was the snitch. It was really Pookie, and now he's gonna pay for droppin' the dime on me.

    Yeah. I'm sure that's exactly how it works. The news value of such a link over-rides any possible usage of that link by someone who's planning on bumping off someone else who may or may not be a snitch.

    Anon #2

  13. I'm sure that any criminal with half a brain already know about that website. I think it's important that the law-abiding public learns about what these hoodlums are up to.

  14. You all are why baltimore looks like a 3rd world nation......

  15. Orly?

    Please explain, in detail, how myself, an upper-middle class white guy living in the County, is the reason why City is a warzone?

    I don't vote in city elections, I'm not part of the city's drug trade, and I'm not out on city streets being troublesome. I also didn't vote for O'Malley, so we'll nip that in the bud too.

    Anon #2

  16. Im talking about city residents!!! and how could Maryland vote in Omalley..It just goes back to the fact that we dont value our children and def not our black children

  17. Anon 1, if you've just moved here and are wondering when the violence & killing are going to stop, it'll be a long, long wait.

    The way to get away from it is to move, I'm afraid. Being part of the solution here basically boils down to living daily in constant conflict with the locally-elected government officials.

  18. Whoa!! Seven persons were just stabbed at the City Jail facility.

  19. The reason people voted for (and, unfortunately for us all, will continue to vote for) imbeciles is because they buy into the hype and do no effective research for themselves. Hell, they don't even have to really do research to know baltimore's a dump, just look at the news (even channel 13 portrays it some of the time).

    Its gotten to the point where its so unsafe that I can't justifiably leave my home after sunset... and I'm in one of the supposed safer parts of the city. If I were Galt I probably wouldn't walk three steps outside without being strapped.

    Ppatin, you gotta get a new icon - just looking at dixon's face is making me nauseous. *grins*

  20. ppatin said...

    If you run from the cops and that results in someone dying in an accident is that felony homicide?

    i'm curious about this as well (i need to know whether or not to add it to my map). unfortunately, no news outlets, even the washington post, are commenting on this aspect at all. i still don't know whether the two people killed because of road rage in frederick county a month or two ago are officially considered murders or not. in my opinion they should be.

  21. Seven stabbing victims? The ER at Hopkins is going to be mighty busy.

  22. I know this is really anal of me, but I wish that WJZ had been clearer about where the stabbings occured. The headline said the City Jail, which made me think it was at the Baltimore City Detention Center, but according to the article the stabbings occured at the Metropolitan Transition Center.

  23. burg, I THINK is felony vehicular manslaughter, which don't count towards the official homicide tally (but do count IMO!)

  24. Isn't there a difference between felony vehicular manslaughter (doing something stupid but non-felonious which results in someone getting killed) and felony murder (committing a felony which results in someone dying, even if you didn't intend to kill them)? The latter is the equivalent of first-degree murder in a lot of states.

  25. Manslaughter, if I recall correctly is in effect 'midemeanor murder,' ie, someone dies when you were doing something illegal that's not a felony.

    Figuring that most traffic offenses are midemeanors at best...

    But really, we need some lawyers for this.

    Anon #2

  26. Misdemeanors. It's a Friday, spelling is optional.

    Anon #2

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. In general, the difference between Felony Murder and Vehicular Manslaughter is intent of the defendant and the punishment.

    Manslaughter by vehicle is when an operator of a vehicle causes someone's death due to gross negligence. MD Code 2-209. Which means intent is not an element of the crime. I think 10 years is the max sentence.

    First Degree Felony Murder means a person committed a felony, a person died, and the act resulting in the death occurred during the commission of the felony. (Also includes an act that causes death while escaping from the immediate scene of the felony). Life is the max sentence.

    There's also Second Degree Depraved Heart Murder - elements are 1)death of victim 2)suspects conduct created a high degree of risk to life and 3) the suspect, knowing the risk, acted with extreme disregard of the life endangering consequences. The intent was not to kill anyone, but the perp. should have realized death was a possibility. Life is the max sentence.

  29. I think there's a bit of confusion that needs to be cleared up here. Manslaughter is when you don't intend to kill, but someone dies as a result of your actions. Stupid driving is a good example of this. I believe it's normally a felony (albeit a less serious one) although some kinds of vehicular manslaughter may be misdemeanors in some states.

    Felony Murder is a completely different crime, and is considered a form of first-degree murder. That's when you commit a felony (usually it's something like armed robbery or carjacking) and someone dies as a result. The felony murder rule lets prosecutors get a first-degree murder conviction without proving premeditation. Check out Wikipedia's entry if I'm being unclear, they explain it pretty well. What I was wondering was if the felony murder rule also applied for someone who ran from the cops when they tried to pull him over.

  30. Nevermind, Dopple wrote up a better explanation while I was typing. From what he said it sounds like the guy in PG County may at least be eligible for a second degree murder conviction.

  31. What was that earlier weird entry about Paris and Shanghai?

  32. *eye roll* I have a private other blog that like, three people read (for good reason), and I put the vapid post here by mistake. Pardon me

  33. Watching the spelling bee last night I learned the term for Balimore, I mean Maryland, hell U.S. government...kakistocracy

  34. According to the Sun eight of the stabbed inmates suffered "life-threatening" injuries.

  35. Let's change the name of the city to Kakistan.

  36. I assume a murder while in State custody becomes a statistic of the county where the detention facility is located, ie. Baltimore City.

  37. deaths in state custody don't count as homicides.
    Enough of this, I'm going to Little Havana for some kind of Rickey.

  38. Now, let's see...... 17 persons get stabbed in the yard of the MTC... which makes it sorta unlikely that they were all stabbed by a single assailant with a single shiv. So,... just how many different implements, pray tell, were found upon lockdown ???

    It's bad enough that our police force has a history of voluminous false arrests, let alone that the inmates one might spend time with are so very well armed. Sounds,... kinda like being in my neighborhood.

    Would it be too much to ask for a separate detention facility reserved for those falsely detained ?

  39. I always thought it was a crime that Havana's puts so much sugar in their margaritas. A margarita needs only three things: tequila, triple sec & lime juice.

  40. 39 cadets graduated from the police academy today, of which half were recruited from Puerto Rico.

    WMAR's report indicated that for each incoming officer about four may be expected to be leaving.

    That's not good. Not good for the near future at all.

  41. Hey cybrarian,
    I just moved to Hopkins House from the mean streets of 26th and St.Paul (where the stabbing occured two days ago. Am I any safer over here? I know it sure looks a hell of a lot better? Can I walk around here at night?

  42. It depends on who you are and what you wear and what you're up to... drunk boy in flip-flops and backwards hat, very dangerous. A girl in pants and hefty shoes, generally safe so long as she doesn't stop to talk to anyone and has the 'creep radar' on and functioning 24/7...

    Unless you have secure parking, though, the outlook is bleak for your car. Breakins and auto theft are everyday.

  43. I've lived in Hopkins House for the past two years, and yes, you certainly are safer than you would be down on 26th & St. Paul. There are still muggings in the area, but exercise a little common sense and you should be ok. I've also kept a car around here for the past three years, no break-ins yet. It was "stolen" once, but that was by the city after they confused my license plate with another car that kept on racking up parking tickets.

  44. Check out the second picture on the Sun's prison fight photo gallery. That is one biiiiiig corrections officer. Does DOC have any physical fitness standards at all?

  45. Only $2 million for bringing in more cops but Oh wait, look what Legg Mason may get!

    Baltimore: Get your act together and get these bums out of office.

  46. Does Hopkins House still have the rampant mice problem? That area is generally fine, but I'd advise staying out of Wyman Park after hours. Some strange characters used to float around the northern side of the park.

  47. am i a strange character? my friends and i used to smoke weed on a big rock in the middle of the stream in wyman park late at night. :p

  48. "Does Hopkins House still have the rampant mice problem?"

    Unfortunately they do. They're smart mice too, they don't touch the traps I leave out.

  49. So! That was you, burgersub!

