Monday, June 11, 2007

June 11

Two bodies in the city this morning: A teenage girl with several bullet wounds was found behind Bentalou Elementary at about 6:15, and a man was found in a car in the 1500 block of N. Hilton St. at about 2:20.

Nearly everybody's covering the fatal stabbing of Marine Reservist Michael Simms in Washington Hill / Upper Fells Point on Sunday: the Sun, the Examiner, WBAL, WMAR, Fox News, and WMDT Delmarva.

Melvin Jordan was identified as the man who was killed in the 900 block of E. Preston St. on Saturday morning.

Ebony Hill was arrested for abandoning her 16-month-old daughter at a White Marsh church.

A Frederick man came home to find burglars in his living room.

A fake BGE employee scammed a man out of $1,000 on Thursday.

Good times in the Blotter: Some shootings, some robberies, and even an arrest.

300 bikers raised a bunch of money for the family of murdered prison guard Jeffery Wroten.

Predict your local terrorist activity!


  1. Following yesterday's Comment section, citizens should not be deceived by the politicians: we are not 150 cops away from civilization. We'd need wll over a thousand just to qualify as habitable. The $300 million giveaway largesse has to go. That money is needed for legitimately public purposes.

  2. You need to add a link to the Dixon Fund Raiser in HoCo. Some true jems....

    "I don't like waking up and reading on the front page of the Sunpapers that we're second in homicide in the country. I don't believe that's really factual,"


    "Gangs, she said, spread from the counties to the city, not the reverse."

    So from those of us in the counties, I'm sorry we seem to be exporting our gang problem to you the honest city dwellers...

  3. There was a double shooting in Parkville this morning. One woman was killed, the other taken to the hospital. According to the Ed Norris show it was a jealous boyfriend, and the dead woman was pregnant.

  4. Ok, what is it with places I lived at years ago becomming crime sceens and making the news... First is was Lt. Brooks in the neighborhood I grew up in, and now the apartment complex I lived at for 2 years in Frederick.

    All I can say is watch out on Hilton Run in Lexington park, and Pine Orchard in Ellicott City... You are due...

  5. BUILD wants to stop the reduction in the Baltimore property tax rate, nevermind the fact that our property taxes are by far the highest in Maryland. Then they complain that housing isn't affordable. Unbelievable.

  6. Ideally, BUILD would like to levy their own taxes on you, but there's a small obstacle in the Maryland Constitution. So, for the time being, they'll just have to get your money through the City Government.

  7. Usually leave the nitpicking to Burgersub, but Michael Simms was in the Unit block of S Chapel street in Washington Hill, vice (Upper) Fells Point. First one in my neighborhood this year. The murders are spreading faster than the STD's.

  8. The Mayor was on television, asking "Even if you have police everywhere, what do you do when someone wants to kill someone else?"

    Answer: If you don't know, then you're IN THE WRONG JOB.

    She wants to try job training. WRONG!! That won't even begin to chip away at the problem until you're long out of office. Unacceptable, hon.

    She claims it's unfair to hold her to account for the rise in crime 'on her watch'. But if it's attributable to things which were developing before, weren't you still the City Council President?

    Is you memory that short, or did you think you were no longer responsible for what happened on that watch ?? What a shallow pool of talent we pull these twerps from.

    Is there any Charter reason we cannot elect a five year-old Mayor of Baltimore? At least he'd look the part.

  9. Now, as I think on it... there is one job for which some training would be quite appropriate Mdme. Mayor......

    When would you like to start?

  10. Next time someone tries to sell you an overpriced home in Patterson Park.... remember this mugging.
