Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Quote of the day II

"Oh, you're the one who always gets it wrong out of ignorance." -- Prosecutor Sam Yee upon making my acquaintance


  1. What did he think you "get wrong"?

  2. I never found out, he said that and turned his back on me! So here I remain in the depths of ignorance...

    quoteOTD1 just might be quote of the year: "He's a liar, his feet stink and he doesn't love his Jesus."-- Frank Conaway Senior on the guy who organized the BUILD debate

  3. um that comment sounded like a scorned child Cybes. have you said anything really bad { although may have been true} about him?

  4. Well, there was that time in high school when the cheerleaders and I were standing by my locker near the boys' room, and he came out with his fly down and we all pointed and laughed, but...

    ... seriously, no, I swear! I've never met the guy, never written anything about him. But obviously something got his panties in a knot!

  5. I love the fact that I posted a comment critical of this blog (which is often wrong) and in support of Sam Yee and that comment was removed. You aren't interested in truth. You are interested in your ego.
