Wednesday, June 6, 2007


This city is looking for:
- Someone in a "dark colored car" who shot Yellow cab driver Mustafa Ghulam on 28th and Maryland.
urquhart- a Hagtown murder suspect who frequents Baltimore, one 26-year-old Stephen Lamar Urquhart (left).

Slacking landlords:lead paint fines are getting handed out left n right.

And is in need of: financial responsibility like Baltimore County's.

While drug dealers should heed online-only NY Magazine's insights on drug-dealing profits: "Sell to many users in small quantities. 'It’s like taking a pound of coffee and selling one grain at a time ... If you sell by scoops, you’ll make a couple thousand dollars, but if you break it down into quarter grams and work for a few days, you’ll make tens of thousands.'”
or, one could concentrate on one's "social capital."


  1. glad to see crackdown on lead paint violators--could o'malley be doing something right?...Nah, after receiving $80,000 in campaign funds from Constellation Energy alone, and with bd mems earning hundreds of millions in bonuses, a measly $100,000 fine is more smoke n mirrors

  2. Regarding gun offenders in the City, Dixon plans to analyze the data in “an attempt to get this gun issue under control.” Let me save you some time: on your streets you wil find many rabid animals, even though they may be bipeds. They are largely young black males. They have commonly been arrested for good cause on multiple occasions. These belong in prison. If at first you do not succeed in putting them there... try harder. That's where they must go. To that end, hire and deploy sufficient sworn police officers til the offenders are in prison. [end of analysis]

    These people are NOT hard to identify, but be aware...we are NOT talking about the 'most violent 1% of them'. It's about all of such offenders. It's about incarcerating a large, large percentage of your young, primarily black, male population. And there's no way around that fact. And you can not wait until they are already killers. You must incarcerate from less severe offenses in order to prevent the killings.

  3. John Galt.....Just say:

    Bring back slavery!!!

    It sounds like a solution to all the problems.

    "It's about incarcerating a large, large percentage of your young, primarily black, male population. And there's no way around that fact. And you can not wait until they are already killers. You must incarcerate from less severe offenses in order to prevent the killings."

    All black men are killers - I get it!

  4. Anon, you are way out of line. I'm pretty sure that Galt is also black. There's nothing racist about pointing out that a large portion of this city's population cannot behave like civilized human beings.

  5. Actually, I'm the poster child for Clorox. I could play the albino in the DaVinci Papers. However, I never said melanin-challenged offenders were somehow exempt. They're also overwhelmingly male, and I would not expect cops to cut guys a break just because females appear less inclined to offend.

    The point is, after you arrest the offenders, don't freak out because they correspond to a minority profile, because we knew that going in. And it's not an excuse for the misconduct.

  6. anon,

    basic math, if you have a city who's population is 65% black (US census 2005 number) and statistically young men make up the vast majority of the people commiting violent crimes, it will be mainly young black men who you need to arrest and incarcerate for the illegal activities.

    Then add this logic. Do this for the lesser offences and some of those caught will not follow the path to using guns as that will increase their chances of going back to prison. Your gun offences go down and things get better in the long run.
