Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Carl Stanley Lackl

The man killed last night in the 8000 block of Philadelphia Rd. was Carl Stanley Lackl, a witness in the Baltimore homicide case against Patrick Byers. Lackl and Byers didn't know each other, and the State's Attorney's Office said Lackl had been a helpful witness. A 10-year-old girl witnessed Lackl's murder, and is probably scared s--tless, for a whole bunch of reasons that go way beyond the fact that no 10-year-old should have to witness a homicide.

No word yet from Sheila or Lenny. I really hope neither of them has the gumption to say it's a Baltimore County problem, not a city problem.


  1. I guess it isn't just in the city where snitches get stitches. That poor girl must be going through hell, she just witnessed the murder of a man who was killed because he witnessed a murder. Hopefully they catch the scumbag and throw the book at him. Is murdering a witness a death penalty offense in Maryland?

  2. If you were a witness to a Baltimore murder (Trial in July) and a dark colored car kept slowly driving up the street where you were standing, witness protection or not, wouldn't you get the hell out of there?? What was he thinking?

  3. WBAL TV is reporting that the 10 year old girl was the victims daughter. There was also a mention of a murder on Greenmount last night???

  4. No one knows if he was murdered because he was a witness. I think you are getting ahead of yourself. Lots of people "in the game" witness crimes and then end up dead and it has nothing to do with being a witness.

  5. "No one knows if he was murdered because he was a witness."


  6. It was reported in the Baltimore Sun that he was a witness. So much for getting ahead of oneself.

    Also, I think I was watching WBAL, where it was reported that the murdered guy was selling his used car, and was expecting someone to come check it out. The dark-colored car could have been a potential car buyer driving slowly around the block because they were having trouble locating his address. So much for blaming the victim for getting shot because he had the gaul to stand in his own front yard.
    Also, doubtful the victim was "in the game". More like he witnessed a crime because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  7. That would be Antonio Tracy, all the way down the 1100 block.

  8. wrong place, wrong time

    Translation: Baltimore, 2007

  9. Got that folks?

    It's not enough to not live in Baltimore City to avoid being murdered. You can't even cross the city line, because you might witness a murder while you're there and then get yourself killed.

    Here's the original murder in Murder Ink:


  10. WBAL interviews even more Charles Villagers freaked out by the even more crime.

    The interesting observation is that they were only ever willing to live here because they were conned into thinking that the crime was somehow only applicable to the other neighborhoods.

    Isn't that sorta like going easy on litterers, just so long as they throw their crap into the neighbors' yards, not mine?

    Sounds kinda unneighborly to me. I say, zero tolerance on crime in Baltimore City, not just Baltimore A.

    And that means hiring a truckload of cops and dismissing the crummy ones like the officer who responded to Charles & 39th.

  11. I just looked at WBALTV.com and could find no information about the 10-year-old being Lackl's daughter.

    Lackl was reportedly a very helpful and credible witness, and as a protected witness prosecuters can still use the testimony he provided thus far in the July trial, despite the fact that he's dead. So nice going, thugs. You've provided us with yet another purposeless death.

  12. Well I think we all know WBAL never gets a story wrong. Coug - no one said he wasn't a witness read the post again. I still think you are getting way ahead of yourself in declaring he's murdered because and solely because he's a witness. BTW it's been reported in various outlets that he was NOT in witness protection.

  13. "...and solely because he's a witness."

    He didn't say that. Why add that bullshit if you are comfortable with your point?

    (We also don't know if the sun will rise in the morning. We assume so from our experience, but we don't really know.

    I'm such a critical thinker!)

  14. Well, yeah, if WBAL and The Baltimore Sun and other local media outlets report on Lackl's murder and the fact that he was supposed to testify in an upcoming murder trial, I'm probably going to take what they say into account over the theorizing of some random anonymous guy on a blog.

  15. Who said that Lackl was "in the game"?

  16. Wow, some people getting pretty defensive on here when someone raises a decent point. I think Anon is correct in that everyone on here seems to assume this guy was shot solely because he's a witness. I personally think the local media (which I believe we all agree gets it wrong quiet a bit) is running with this angle. After all far more interesting if he's murdered as a witness than he happen to have been shot for another reason. No one on here knows what kind of life this guy was leading. I love how you guys all get on a bandwagon and when someone dares to say something different you jump down their throat. - Hikeem

  17. I am a close friend of Carl Lackl Jr. and his family. I know what kind of life he was leading, and nothing outside of the horrorific act he witnessed would constitute his murder. I was the first person contacted after the 911 call, and was on the phone while the EMT's were on the scene. Carl was not involved in "the game", or whatever terminology you feel the need to use so you can equate yourself to your favorite wannabe-fake-ass-thug of the week currently making the rounds on BET. He was senselessly murdered simply for doing the right thing to do in his case. Regardless of what The Sun published in yesterday's aricle, by the age of 38, Carl had cleaned up his act and was a devoted family man to his wife and children. I live less than five minutes from the scene of the crime, and have been there for nearly a decade. Random drive by shootings just don't happen in that neighborhood. Regardless of what else you may hear, this was simply a witness retaliation act of murder. And now the rest of the family is left in potential danger. THIS NEEDS TO END IMMEDIATELY!!!

  18. Everyone needs to understand that this is a person, not everybody lives in a perfect world. We all have a past. But when you have children, they change your life and your way of thinking, like what if that was one of my children. So you do the right thing to try to help a Family feeling a great loss. I do not believe that a letter should be sent to you house to see if you want protection for you and your Family. You should be offered that immediatley when it comes to a murder trial, then if you refuse you sign a waiver. This to me is a cop out, and a way to place the blame on someone else.

  19. wanna-b-thug,i guess one day when u loose a loved one,then lets see what u have to say.i dont no why people like u have to judge people from there past.what the hell r u a fairy.or maybe your just miserable with yourself n have nothing better to do with your time.im not a hatefull person but i could learn to hate u with no problem.hopefully you will loose somebody close to u and i hope it hurts like hell see ya ass hole.

  20. i am a very very close friend of carl lackle.i would just like to say that it reaaly hurts like hell to here some of the shit u have to say about a man that tried to help another family,and gets guned down in front of his 10 year old step daughter,and his 18 month old daughter that hes waited all his life to have.and he loved very,very much she was his life.he always promised his little girl that he would never leave her.well guess what he had no choics did he.now theres a 18 month old little girl that has to grow up without her daddy.what do u tell her when she gets older and starts asking about her daddy,oh daddy tried to do the right thing in life like he always did,and was shot down like a animal.and to anwser your guestion about why was he in the alley?lets try he was on a job down there.not in the game as call it.he was one of those people that work for a living.he was loved by everyone.there were 300 people at his funeral.i wonder how many would b at yours?well u have a nice night "jack ass"
