Sunday, July 29, 2007

July 29

Donald webbDonald Webb Jr., 48, who killed his wife and shot his stepson Friday night, is still at large! was found with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head in upstate New York.
Webb is was a chubby corrections officer, shown at right & last seen in a blue 2006 Chevrolet pickup with Maryland license plate 24R856.

A crime wave has hit the Roland Park subdivision of Evergreen, with cars broken into and houses robbed in broad daylight on Wilmslow and Cable Streets. Lock your doors & windows, especially in the daytime when you're at home!

"The fault line between work and family” is “precisely where sex-based overgeneralization has been and remains strongest." -- says the Chief Justice in the NYT Mag article "Family Leave Values"

Julie Bykowicz answers our voir dire questions.
(Schwait turned over a conviction because of his own error? Wacky!)
From "Jury practices vary widely across the Nation"

"An apparent Sinful Secret was Exposed in Harford County Last Night ... Mike Hellgren has the disturbing allegations ... A warning, though, for some of you, this is very graphic stuff ... Deacon Kevin Glenn ... groin area ... buttocks... feeling up ... played a game called hide the money ... cash ... undergarmets ... and when one of the girls confronted him, he read her Scriptures."

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