Thursday, July 12, 2007

July 12

The tragic tale of stabbed teen Christine Richardson is becoming clearer: the suspect, Calvin Puryear, 19, was not her current 22-year-old boyfriend, but rather her ex-boyfriend who was upset about the breakup. Puryear had perviously threatened Richardson with violence, telling her mom "If I can't have her, I'm gonna hurt her." However, police say, Puryear claims it was family friend Lloyd Chase (as seen interviewed on television and himself Richardson's "brother" to a Sun reporter) who fatally stabbed her (but mom believes Chase is innocent.)
And why isn't Puryear being charged with rape?

WYPR: "Optimist" Jessamy "Unfazed by Baltimore's Ranking as Nation's Most-Violent City"
Remarks the top prosecutor, "crime is really kind of cyclical. It goes up. And some years, it goes down," but goes on to say,
About 10 years ago, if you had asked a group of children, if you had 30 young people, and you had asked them if anyone had witnessed a violent act, if anyone ever had a loved one become the victim of a violent act, or who had been killed as the result of a homicide, you might have had five or 10 of those kids to raise their hands. Now, you have 20.
Jessamy goes on to blame the City's parents, saying Baltimore's grownups "need to shoulder their responsibilities as adults to help prevent crime before it starts."

A 16-year-old and a 23-year-old survived after they were shot while stooping in the SW.

The Ink provides some names for the unknown and notes that one Mario Mauro, a 53-year-old white man, has been added to the homicide tally.

A "Wig Lady" grifter, 47-year-old Jacqueline Elaine Belim (the younger friend of Carol Silva), got 61 months in federal prison.


  1. Keiffer Mitchell is proposing a 15% pay increase for police officers. Unfortunately he isn't being very specific about where the money would come from.

  2. I think Christine Richardson's mother, who is featured collapsing in tears repeatedly in the Sun article about her daughter's murder, should be asked why she allowed her FIFTEEN YEAR OLD daughter to be with a TWENTY-TWO YEAR OLD man. He should have been charged with statutory rape a long time ago.

  3. Where the money comes from?

    Who cares? Sell City Hall.

    Or just transfer the difference out of the $300 million in total handout money which we cannot afford.

    One thing's for sure; this crap under Hamm/Dixon cannot continue.

    Not only does Mitchell propose to offer more competitive salaries, but also to increase the authorized number of police officers by 250, which is the first real move to get the job done in the last 15 years.

    This city is home to a population of largely armed criminals equal to several military divisions. We certainly are at least a battalion short in terms of police officers.

    Trying to maintain law & order with too few officers results in questionable arrests, disrespectful personnel, and a lack of trust in the community at large.

    Gotta be done. There is no greater priority in this City. The fact that our politicians are too self-interested to formally declare the state of crime emergency which is so very numerically obvious to anyone living in thereal world demonstrates their irrelevance.

  4. "Or just transfer the difference out of the $300 million in total handout money which we cannot afford."

    That's the problem. Mitchell didn't say he would cut those handouts, and I don't think he has the balls to do it.

  5. Oh, and on the subject of the importance of policing nonviolent crime, consider the case of Tracey Williams, who was charged in June with the murder of Eric Queen while in custody on another unrelated lesser charge.

    That's part of getting the job done. It's how you get them off the street. Not with false arrests. But good, prosecuble charges require surveillance, which requires manpower.

  6. Amen Emptyman!

    I was thinking the same thing. What parent in their right mind allows their daughter to date a 19 year old and a 22 year old !!!


  7. Ok... The ages of the 2 guys keeps shifting... The wjz link shows them as "19-year-old Calvin Puryear and 17-year-old Lloyd Chase" At the age of 15 a even a 4 year difference is huge...

    Disclosure I started dating my now wife when she was 18 and I was 23.

  8. Puryear's DOB was 7/31/87, so he's got a few more days until 20.
    The 22-year-old is the CURRENT boyfriend who she started dating 6 months after breaking up with Puryear, is what it sounds like. Or her Mom is really, really confused.

  9. Here's wjz's coverage of police staffing proposals.

  10. Not that you asked, but my totally half-baked theory about the Richardson murder is that she invited those boys upstairs, one a family friend and one her ex that she was still "just friends" with (in her mind), on the grounds of maybe hanging out and smoking weed with them. But the ex, still smarting from the breakup, had other plans: rape and murder. Puryear is covering up by saying that consensual sex took place among the 3 of them (because there is physical evidence that she'd had some form of sex that night); really they raped and then killed her.
    I may not be right, but something about her murder and about the story those guys are telling just doesn't add up.

  11. Chalk two more up. A man was blasted in the head with a shotgun around 7pm, another man was stabbed to death on the Southeast side this morning. And coug, I'm with you on this theory of yours, this kids story is BS.

  12. when you let the suspect tell the story he is going to:

    1-say the 'other guy' did the worst parts

    2-minimize the entire episode

    I believe they raped and killed her.
