Tuesday, July 17, 2007

July 17

A man was shot to death last night in the 3400 block of St. Ambrose Ave. in the NW (#181).

More witness intimidation: Myron Gladney, brother of murder suspect Anthony Gladney, is accused of shooting a witness while he waited for a bus on The Alameda.

zach sowersWith four suspects expected to plead not guilty to attempted murder tomorrow, Zach Sowers remains in a coma. Family and friends have organized a "Neighbors Night Out Against Crime" in various bars for August 5 to help raise money for Sowers' medical bills.

Kevin "Chopper" Barnes, former star of the MTV reality show "Making the Band 2" pleaded guilty to robbing a couple with a BB gun six years ago when he was 16. Now a judge has issued a bench warrant for his arrest for failing to meet with his probation officer.

Clothing confiscated from a police officer accused of sexually assaulting a teenager at a precinct house has gone missing from the police department's evidence control unit.

History corner: Baltimore's most murderous year was 1993during the Schmoke Years, when, with a population of about 724,000, 353 people were killed. As the body count piles up for 2007, Dixon blames the judiciary, and Judge Glynn blames The People: "If the citizens want to know what the problem is, I suggest they look at themselves. And, of course, the politicians are no better than citizens. But the heart of this problem lies with the citizens of Baltimore. They commit the crimes. They don't testify against the criminals. And they don't vote to convict the guilty."

The City Council race is "neck-and-neck" between the two 'legacy' candidates.


  1. On a per capita basis, the high murder year of 1993 was the equivalent of about 312 homicides with today's Baltimore City population. We will most certainly hit that figure, particularly if Hamm remains in place doing what he's doing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. what is baltimores population and who owns all of those abandon row houses? THANKS


  4. The population is about 636,000.

    Did you know? The name "Baltimore" comes from the Irish and means "Home of the Big House."

  5. ... but I don't know who owns the rowhouses.
    some very depressed real estate investors!

  6. Does anyone know how many missing persons there are in Baltimore? We always hear about the official murder toll, but chances are there are some criminals out there who are smart enough to dispose of the bodies of their victims. This may sound like I've watched The Wire one too many times, but it's not like the police department would expend any effort trying to dig up even more murders.

  7. And those are just the people who've been reported. I'm sure that plenty of hoodlums who go missing are never reported to the police. Obviously this is pure speculation, but there have got to be some crimals who've figured out that they're less likely to get caught if they toss their victims into the bay.

  8. The Baltimore Police site had pictures of 10 missing persons. The Missing persons unit is at (410) 396-2334 if you want to get the run around.

  9. ahhh, what about the guy shot in the abdomen on the 1700 BLK of Mosher Street yesterday about 10pm.

    or wait, what about the guy shot in head on North and Smallwood early this AM...think it was around 2am.

    i guess, since they will both live, people pay no never mind to a standard shooting!

  10. OK so there are 2600+ Identified gang members in Baltimore and we have a grand total or 4 officers in the Eastern District working full time on gangs (Part I, Part II). Not mentioned in the article but the Southwestern also has a gang unit - 3 officers. Not only do they do all the police work, they do all the training, the outreach...the denial of gang activity by Hammbone is grotesque, hope the hell that the "Transitional Period" of our Mayor ends soon! But doubt that ends before Sep 12th.

  11. I went to the walters museum on sat and go lost on penn ave and there will so many little little kids selling in the open in the day..Im from Boston and I have never seen that before..and the row house thing I dont get...There must be bodies laying in them all across the city

