Tuesday, July 31, 2007

July 31

A man was shot around 11 p.m. Monday night just a few blocks from mayor Dixon's home on Swann Avenue in West Baltimore; the bleeding man drove himself to her security car for help.

Also: "A man, 25, was shot in the chest about 11:15 p.m. Sunday in the 4500 block of Farring Court," "Three men were fighting in the 3300 block of E. Fayette St. about 3 a.m. Sunday when one man pulled out a semiautomatic handgun and shot another man, 31, in the upper right leg, shattering the hip bone." and a man in the 1400 block of N. Broadway Sunday was struck "several times over the head and body with a piece of wood."

Shot suspect: that was a popsicle in my mouth, not drugs.

The female officers shot yesterday were ID'd as Loretta L. Francis, 34, a member of the force for 14 years, and Karen Brzowsky, 29, an officer for 5 years. Sun: "A source close to the investigation -- who is not named because the source is not permitted to talk to the media -- said the two officers were responding to a call for men gambling in or near the 200 block of N. Port when they were shot." The story also reports that as of Monday there were 445 non-fatal shootings, up from 338 last year.

Serial bank robber Craig Joseph Mills got 6 1/2 years in federal prison.

It's only the second use of MD's fetal homicide law, and Worcester County State's Attorney Joel J. Todd's application is highly irregular, to say the least. First of all, the OC fetuses were all preterm and not born alive. And, if even if Christy Freeman somehow caused her own late-term abortion, that wouldn't be against the new law. One of the bill's sponsors says that the exemption doesn't apply to "wanton or reckless behavior," but, well, the law doesn't actually say anything about that, and it isn't especially illegal to smoke crack while you're pregnant in MD.


  1. It's unfortunate that another person got shot, but if it had to happen I'm glad it happened near the mayor's house. I wish he'd pounded on her door and bled all over her carpet. Then she could tell us again how violent crime is down.

  2. Dixon's response to wjz is as substantive as ever:

    "When people don't have anything to say positive, they're going to find something negative. I just stay focused and hope my opponents would just wake up and see the light," Dixon said.

  3. Too bad the rest of us don't get an Executive Protection Unit like the Mayor.

  4. Chauncey Dixon. We plant in the spring so that we may harvest in the fall. Gosh, she's brilliant!
