Thursday, July 5, 2007

Well, that narrows it down...

"witnesses said they heard a gun shot and found the victim slumped over ... Police are looking for black men in connection with the shooting."

(Thanks Jeffrey)


  1. At least the report was bold enough to print the race of the suspect(s), which is increasingly uncommon. Of course, they didn't bother to mention the race of the victim, which leads me to assume that she was white and that if it were white people they were looking for the race of the victim would have been a factor -- especially if the victim was black, but that's neither here nor there.

  2. I agree. When the race of a perpetrator is not listed I assume black.

  3. Yes the Victim was white. If the roles had been reversed and it was a young black female shot and paralyzed by multiple white males, this area would seen the Jesse Jackson(s) and the Al Sharpton(s) of the Country arrive spewing out incitful rhetoric from their soapboxes calling for federal investigations. But because unfortunately that wasnt the case, this young girl here gets a 30 second blurb on BAL's 5:00 news

  4. How useless -- they're looking for "black men"? Great description...

    How about short, fat, bald, tall, skinny, light, dark, beard, clean-shaven...something????

  5. ...and the carnage continues.
