Wednesday, July 18, 2007

This just in...

Hamm = out!
...but is it at Dixon's request? Sounds like she didn't even know he was planning to resign until JZ leaked the news!

At a hearing today James Summerville, 18, of the 800 block of N. Arlington Ave. pled guilty to second-degree murder and use of a deadly weapon (knife). Judge Lynn K. Stewart sentenced Summerville to 30 years in prison suspending all but 20 and four years probation. On March 3, 2007 in a house on the 700 block of N. Carey Street, Summerville assaulted Artesha Moses, 19, his girlfriend and the mother of his two-year old son. On March 27, 2007 Summerville fatally stabbed Moses at the same location, seven days after she sought a restraining order. Assistant State’s Attorney Lisa Phelps prosecuted this case.

As expected, the four alleged assailants of Zach Sowers pled not guilty today.


  1. If you watched BAL you'd think she asked Hamm to resign. Maybe none of them know.

  2. Yeah, WBAL was claiming that Dixon asked for the Hammster's resignation/fired him. I figured it maked sense that Dixon tossed him out. Polls said that Hamm was unpopular, so she probably figured it's a smart move to let him go.

  3. Maybe he was listening to the Marc Steiner show the other day. You all must have hurt his feelings, meanies.

  4. I just listened to the Cybrarian's appearance on the Steiner show last night. At one point I wanted to scream when an idiot called in and suggested that The Wire was partially responsible for Baltimore's problems. Clearly a fictional TV show is what's wrong with the city. Hopefully that fool doesn't vote.

  5. *cackles at anonymous*

    Poor Hammbone, he had the hardest job in Baltimore City. He was god awful at it and should indeed move on, but it was a hard job.

    Oh well - here's hoping the next commissioner isn't a monumental screw up...

  6. Unfortunately it looks like we're going to be stuck with an interim police chief until after the next mayor is elected. Let's hope that Fred Bealefeld is up to the challenge. I guess there's no way that he could be worse than the Hammster.

    On a related note, Keiffer Mitchell was saying that Hamm's permanent replacement should come from inside the Baltimore PD. Considering the bad things that I've heard about the department's command staff I'm not so sure that's a good idea. At least nobody is talking about promoting Deborah Owens.

  7. I've been reading a collection of the different quotes that Dixon has made over the past few months. Its quite apparent that she isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

    If Mitchell really wants to win, it is in his interest for her to speak. as much as possible, rather than her press secretaries. The more she talks, the less capable and competent she appears.

  8. Oh, did anyone else read about how Free Will Baptist Church (the one that was hit by lightning) bought their pastor a Bentley back in 2005, despite the fact that they had tens of thousands of dollars in unpaid bills? What the hell is wrong with people who attend and give money to a place like that!

  9. "If Mitchell really wants to win, it is in his interest for her to speak. as much as possible, rather than her press secretaries. The more she talks, the less capable and competent she appears."

    I think you're underestimating the stupidity of the average Baltimore voter. The sorts of sheeple who tithe to organizations like Free Will Baptist Church will vote for Dixon in droves.

  10. ppatin, I think we're cut from the same cloth - I had the same thought after posting it...

    Why is it that (most, if not) all the smart people moved out of baltimore? Oh wait, nevermind...

  11. Has Ashley Bellosi's killer been arrested yet?????

  12. As far as I can tell the cops have gotten a warrant for the suspected killer, but nobody has been arrested yet.
