Monday, August 20, 2007

August 20

17-year-old Darius Cox was fatally shot -- and another boy was wounded -- in the 2400 block of Woodbrook Ave. on Saturday night, less than 90 days after a Circuit Court judge suspended 9 years and 11 months of Cox's 10 year sentence for assault. Cox is the 199th "official" homicide in Baltimore City this year.

A 26-year-old man was killed and left in the Keyser Motel on Rt. 40 in Aberdeen. His is the third homicide in HarCo this year.

Suicidal Parkville resident Adam Benjamin Rothstein was killed by police after pointing a flashlight and a pellet gun at them.

The mourners for Shadow (a.k.a. Samuel Horne, HarCo homicide victim #2) "must have exhausted the malls with these T-shirts."

A purse-snatcher downtown stabbed a 57-year-old woman in the neck.

He may have been a drunk, obnoxious jackass, but shouldn't the cops have helped this guy?

Yeah, Keiffer... like you've done so damned much to make meaningful change in this city.

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