Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August 22

The dead man at the Keyser Motel has been ID'd as Robert Donte Hemphill, a 26-year-old who lived at the motel. (Like Eloise! --Ed)

50-year-old Thomas Campbell died after being Tasered twice by the BPD over the weekend.

Candice Page, a woman who was reported missing in Cumberland County in March and was found on E. Madison St. in Baltimore with a bullet wound to the back of her head, has been charged with murdering Edwin Matthews. Matthews was shot to death at the same crime scene.

This week's "Murder Ink" covers Frederick Moore, Karen Kutchey, Ramana Bradley, and Darius Cox. There's also an update on the sentencing of Demetries Sturgis.

In the blotter, some thefts and shootings. Re: the shootings (as in the case of 'A man, 42' it's probably just me, but given the choice about where to be shot, the groin is probably the very last place I'd care to be: no, really, double-tap me in the back of my head, just let me die with my lap intact, por favor).

Orlando Yarborough "faces gun charges": 'City prosecutors said yesterday that they have filed 33 "criminal information" complaints', moving the case 'to Circuit Court much like a grand jury indictment or a preliminary hearing. Prosecutors can obtain a criminal information only in a misdemeanor case.'

Police were chasing escaped Hickey "student" Davon Julius this morning, but there's no word on whether they caught him.

In the department of unimportant news that wasn't really covered anywhere but with 53 words on WJZ's site, a juvenile was stabbed at the Wendy's on Old Court and Liberty Rd.

Looks like Oricl's new tag will be Prisn Btch.

Baltimore won't tolerate dog fighting. No word on how we feel about shootings, stabbings, beatings, intimidation, drug dealing, prostitution, rape, arson, or larceny.

Jesse Bane is "borrowing" some crime-fighting tactics from Baltimore City to combat crime on Brookside Dr. in Edgewood. Let's hope those tactics don't include understaffing the police department and suspending all but 1 month of the sentences handed to violent felons.

A couple of geniuses in the Eastern were charged with witness intimidation after they drove a woman to the station house and forced her to recant her testimony.

Is book burning the hot new pastime in HarCo?

The candidates for City Council president held a debate at the library last night.

A minor league team in St. Paul, MN, is giving away Michael Vick dog chew toys.


  1. 'Oracle' gets nailed by the County courts and police call Dixon out on her false campaign statements about how tough she is on crime.

  2. The "Oricl" story made me happy. I hate graffiti criminals (no calling them artists!)

  3. Here's the original story on the Edwin Matthews murder from the Times-News, including a lovely picture of Ms. Page.

    So what happened? Botched murder-suicide? Were they struggling over the gun and somehow shot each other? Weird.

  4. Who was Charles Hickey, and what horrible thing did he do to get that zoo named after him?

  5. Someone must have really hated the guy. Maybe we should rename Central Booking after Martin O'Malley or Sheila Dixon.

  6. Maybe Newark will rename their booking facility to Booker Booking.

  7. Who's seen the Fox video 'house firebombed' from my area ? It just goes on and on around here and the hoodlums are in total control.

    Mayor Dixon, what was all that rubbish about "Together, we can ...." ??
