Monday, August 6, 2007

Mayor Dixon has a new project: GunStat.

Matthew R. Dieterle, who killed his AAC "girlfriend" Samantha MacQuilliam in Tampa, had a criminal history including assault, gun violations and burglary.

In lieu of a certain candidate's recent issues, we thought it time to reset the mayoral poll, right.


  1. According to the Sun the fundraiser for Zach Sowers went pretty well. I'm starting to think that the thugs who beat him up may actually be in a world of shit. Normally they'd get away with a slap on the wrist, but their crime has generated enough publicity that there's a good chance they'll get nailed with a very harsh sentence. Hopefully they'll all spend the rest of their lives in prison.

  2. pp,

    I don't mean to be cynical, but you have to assume that the state's attorney will be able to find 12 reasonably intelligent people to sit on the jury.

  3. I know there's always the idiot juror factor but for once I'm trying to be optimistic. After all, every now and then people do actually get convicted and locked up in Baltimore.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. There was a homicide last night in the 3400 block of E Baltimore St- which is about two or three blocks away from the murder that occurred on Friday in the 3600 block of E Lombard.,0,708332.story
