Tuesday, August 7, 2007

August 7th

"Routine Transfer" (Gone Bad, that is): escaped prisoner (and serial escapist) Marvin Jordan (he bolted outside of the court house yesterday noonish) is now on Baltimore's "Dirty Thirty" list. (Dirty Thirty? Really?)


  1. Interesting quote From CNN on a death in NY.

    "Investigators would treat the death as a homicide until the medical examiner's office completed its investigation, New York Police Department spokesman Paul Browne said."

    Funny how in Baltimore is not a Homicide until the ME's office complete's it's investigation.

  2. So this guy escapes for a second time? Did the voices in his head say he would actually do prison time for committing a crime?

  3. Did you hear about the inmate being tried for the murder of a CO up in Hagerstown last year? Even after he kills a guard and later tries to get away while in court they can't have him shackled in front of the jury because it might be prejudicial. Unfrigginbelievable.

  4. OH NO!!! Not the shackling that makes it appear your a bad guy. We can't have that now can we?
