Monday, August 27, 2007

Charles Carroll Acquitted

A Baltimore City Jury acquitted Charles Carroll today of second degree rape, third and fourth degree sex offense, three counts of second degree assault and two counts of sexual child abuse following three days of testimony and approximately one hour of deliberations. The Baltimore City Grand jury indicted Carroll May 19, 2005. Three counts of sexual abuse of a minor under the age of 18 and one count of third degree sexual offense are still pending against Carroll. Court documents allege Carroll sexually assaulted two victims. The alleged assaults occurred between December 2004 and April 2005. Carroll’s first trial ended January 11, 2007 when the court declared a mistrial after hearing witness testimony.

The burning body found over the county line off of Liberty Heights Avenue was id'd as an African-American male between 15 and 25 years old.


  1. Once again, Charles Village earns a reputation for street violence and a man is murdered on the 400 block, S. Payson St.

  2. Former DC police chief Charles Ramsey is a finalist to replace Hamm. I don't know why someone as accomplished as him would want to even consider this job, but I suppose people thought he was crazy for accepting the DC job while that crackhead Marion Barry was still mayor.,0,1506496.story?coll=bal_tab01_layout

  3. Charles Ramsey? Accomplished? Didn't DC have one of the worst homicide closure rates of all time during his tenure? Didn't it surpass Baltimore in homicides per capita?

  4. You're thinking of the DC that averaged a murder a day back in the late 80's/early 90's. Maurice Turner was the police chief back then.

    Ramsey didn't arrive until 1998- during the last few months of the Barry administration. While I'm not saying that DC has become an urban paradise, it has made significant strides since Ramsey arrived. Ask anyone who lives around Capitol Hill, Logan Circle, and Shaw if they feel safer walking down the street as opposed to ten years ago.

  5. see the comparative resource analysis here.
