Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Curious Case of Mr. Williams

On August 3 the Sun reported that a man was shot in the head in the 3600 block of E. Lombard St. and died, victim 190.
The next day, the same paper reports that a man was shot in the head in the 3600 block of E. Lombard St. and is "not expected to survive."
And then there's the story of Lorado Williams Jr., shot to death during a robbery in the 3600 block of E. Baltimore St. from today. And now there's also a different guy in the 5th on E. Baltimore St. So now it's two guys, same street.
... Or is it? Now Mr. Williams is back to being shot on Lombard. Or is that his twin brother who also lives in the 600 block of S. Lehigh St., "Larado"?!
Today, Anna says two victims, two different days in two different places, one on Lombard and one on Baltimore, and it's "Lorado."
Who's got it wrong?


  1. I do not understand what you are implying here...

  2. Galt is going to blow a blood vessel when he reads this.

    "In October, Baltimore will roll out a $2 million advertising campaign aimed at debunking the excuses that people have for littering.

    "Don't make excuses. Make a difference" will be emblazoned on bumper stickers and billboards as well as promoted in radio and television advertising."


    Pardon my cynicism, but this is even stupider than BELIEVE. As much as I hate litter, we'd be better off spending that money getting rid of some of the human garbage that pollutes this city.

  3. Wait a second, the Sun claims that 3600 E. Lombard is in "Baltimore Highlands." That address is in Highlandtown, Baltimore Highlands is an area in the county to the south of Cherry Hill.

  4. No, actually, I think it's a great message. My only criticism is that it's backwards.

    Not from Sheila Dixon: To Sheila Dixon.

    'Don't make excuses(, Hon,); make a difference.'


    Talk about the Pot calling the Kettle black.

    It should be tatooed onto her forehead.

  5. As you can see the newspaper's need to learn to get the facts straight. He died on August 4,2007.

  6. I get a bit confused about the Highlands vs. Highlandtown thing, especially because there's a big wooden sign on N. Conkling just south of Pulaski Hwy that reads, "Welcome to Baltimore Highlands."

    I think we should go back to the old name, Snake Hill. That's way cooler than Highlandtown anyway. Samuel L Jackson would totally visit us in Snake Hill.

  7. "I think we should go back to the old name, Snake Hill. That's way cooler than Highlandtown anyway. Samuel L Jackson would totally visit us in Snake Hill."

    I agree. It should also be against the law to refer to Pigtown as "Washington Village."

  8. Daaaaanng 2 murders in highlandtown that close to eachother? I'm moving there later this month. I knew it was rough but whoa. I ain't scared though, Highlandtown is awesome.

  9. anna ditkoff has explained the "baltimore highlands" thing in response to reader mail regarding murder ink in the past. she determines which neighborhood to report exclusively using the baltimore city department of planning's official neighborhood map.

    also i don't get what the confusion over the two murders there this weekend is. sure, the sun screwed up by being extremely vague/misleading for like four consecutive days as to when exactly the victim of friday's shooting actually died, but everything else seemed pretty straightforward to me, as long as you just read the articles carefully...

  10. Ignoring that he has two different spellings and death dates, where did he die? E. Lombard or E. Baltimore St.? because the same paper reports his dying in two places.
    So who's right(est), Gus, Anna or Dick?

  11. i would go with lombard, since 4 out of the 5 linked articles you have there say lombard. also i would go with lorado because 2 of the 3 articles you linked to that name him spell it that way, and the only one that doesn't is just the blotter.

    there are constantly small name-misspellings for pretty much every name more difficult than "joe" in the media around here, and much worse geographic errors abound (i'm inclined to believe this wasn't even a geographic error but rather just a typo, with the author getting confused in that one article because he was also reporting on the guy found dead on baltimore street on sunday). you're making much too big a deal of it.

  12. Maybe so, but they really ought to publish a correction/carification when they get things wrong, not just three more stories publishing different information as if the story before never happened.

  13. oh yeah, i agree with you there.

  14. So everyone gets it right his name was Lorado Williams Jr and he was shot on Lombard Street in Highland Town. He was pronounced brain dead on Aug 4, but did not die until Aug 5 so that his organs could be donated just like he wanted them to. It was one murder, but it was a murder of a great and passionet guy who I will forever miss. I think that Baltimore needs to wake up and instead of waisting their money on stupid BELIEVE signs, invest it in the public school systems and creat more job opportunities to the kids that see no other way then robbing people at night.

  15. Lousy 6th grade algebra teacher

    ==> shoot some decent guy dead.


    I don't quite see the logic.

    Are you suggesting that people who aren't handed a middle-class lifestyle can be expected to behave like rabid dogs ??

    Because in that case, I'd wholly endorse putting them down before they get the chance.

  16. You know it seems to me that you people have nothing else productive to do. Monika posted all the correct information . Lorado Williams Jr. was my little brother and what you should be discussing is how to maybe help clean up some of the crime in Highland town instead of going back and forth about a stupid name. Also what does it matter what street they shot my brother on and when and where he died? What matters is someone took his life leaving me without a brother and my mom without a son. My brother was a good person and had alot of dreams and that was all taken away in August of 2007. Let it be..... If you dont have anything constructive to say...Why say anything.
