Thursday, August 23, 2007

Terrorist Attack in Waverly! Update: WBAL reports this is actually the second time the house has been firebombed, and the family has now relocated.

amara edenYou may remember Amara Eden, right, arrested in PGC after her five children were found alone in squalid conditions. She pled guilty to to five counts of leaving a child under the age of 10 unattended (which is odd since the DJS Web site attests that you can leave children alone if they're 8 (!!) or older) and two counts of reckless endangerment and will serve 20 days in jail.


  1. Don't let the terrorists win!

  2. On the policing in Waverly, BCPD spokesman Clifford Sterling says:

    Since the vandalism occurred, police have stepped up patrols around the home — and, as of Wednesday, — there is an even higher level of police activity in the neighborhood, Clifford said.

    I'd hope so. Anything is mathematically greater than nothing.
