Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Don't forget to vote, Baltimore!

So it turns out rainy weather doesn't make your vote count more!
You still get a .000001 % say.
And while it does seem Mayor Dixon's a done deal, City Council president matters a lot, and district representitve races are important too (and with those your vote may actually count, even Jean Marbella says so).
Here're the City Paper endorsements.


  1. Since I can't vote, anyone interested in doing a write in for Inigo Montoya for pirate, I mean mayor?

    And be nice to the election judges. My mother used to be one in the city. It's a pretty thankless job with very little actual pay for the amount of work they have to do.

  2. Since there was a big tizzy in the comments section of a previous post about race, I figured I'd post this interesting little fact.

    "In a side-by-side comparison of 2000 census data by sociologists including John R. Logan at the Mumford Center, State University of New York at Albany, black immigrants from Africa averaged the highest educational attainment of any population group in the U.S., including whites and Asians."

  3. Yes, they often have graduate degrees in my experience.

  4. Apparently the idea that bad weather depresses turnout is a myth.

  5. "And be nice to the election judges. My mother used to be one in the city. It's a pretty thankless job with very little actual pay for the amount of work they have to do."

    Are we allowed to bring them a plate of cookies, or would that be some sort of bribery/conflict of interest situation?

  6. My god, I can't believe how racist you all are! This is disgusting. You white folks are all alike. Don't generalize!

  7. Sorry, just thought this section needed a blast of hot, stinky air, ala C.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It actually made me like him, I must say, to know he had such a dingus of a father and he turned out so well.

    Had to cast a provisional ballot because the MVA hadn't updated my address in the system... even though I've been living here for two years. What're the chances that's going to get counted?

  10. "Are we allowed to bring them a plate of cookies, or would that be some sort of bribery/conflict of interest situation?"

    Just no Doritos...


  11. "Had to cast a provisional ballot because the MVA hadn't updated my address in the system... even though I've been living here for two years. What're the chances that's going to get counted?"

    Ah, it appears you made the error of assuming the MVA would do something correctly. I register my new address with the board of elections each time I move, it's the only reliable way to get it done.

  12. Actually i did that too-- I even have a card with the new polling place on it!
    But it wasn't "in the system."

  13. Cookies would be fine, just make sure you have enough for the Democrat Judges and whomever they have filling in for the Republican judges. Is anyone running on the Republican side?

  14. Interesting. I changed my address with them a few weeks ago, and they didn't give me any problems.

    Hocojoe, yes there is a Republican candidate for mayor, but his candidacy is a joke. No one even knows his name. I'll be voting for him in the general election as a protest vote, but the democratic primary is the only election that matters around here.

  15. don't race-bait the racists sean (heh heh)

  16. ppatin, I know this is the election that will determine things.

    I remember when Schaefer first ran for gov. The Republican candidate conceded something like a week before the election. For the record Schaefer took the election with 82% of the vote. 4 years later with an anti incumbent tide sweeping the nation Schaefer was pissed he only won with 60% of the vote.

  17. Schaefer's opponent conceded a week before the election in a governor's race? Are you sure about that? I have never heard of a candidate conceding before an election, even when it's obvious he's going to get whooped.

  18. Then Willie Don pissed off another 10% by calling the Eastern Shore a "shithouse"- in response to his challenger receiving more votes than him in that region.

  19. Schaefer's opponent conceded a week before the election in a governor's race?

    It's true. He was basically declared the winner after winning the September primary. The MD GOP decided to put all of its resources into defending their Senate seat against Barbara Mikulski instead of trying to defeat a candidate who (back in 1986) was popular all across the state.

  20. Interesting. I guess you learn something new every day. You'd think the MD GOP could have found a better candidate than Linda Chavez though!

  21. The TV news at the time (can't remember the channel) couldn't even find the Republican nominee to interview. They did find the Lt Gov nominee who didn't concede the race.

    But so goes the Republicans in MD. Just a few weeks ago the state party organization was close to broke.

    Other election trivia. I wanted to vote for a democrat 1992 who had no chance against Helen Bently for congress once, just because of his bumper sticker. "Give Congress a Hickey".

  22. In other news, pretty much every single incumbent won in this city. Its business as usual in the worst city in america.

    To me, this is indicative of one of two things:

    1) Either everyone is very pleased with the state of things in the city or
    2) (more likely) The stupidity level in this town has reached epic proportions.

    Either way, aren't you just super excited over four more years of this! I'm not!
