Monday, September 3, 2007

Four recent murder victims were id'd:
Aug. 28: Lacy Hazel, 44 (Payson St.)
Aug. 30: Darnell Thomas, 23 (Artaban Place.)
Aug. 30: Kahlil Taylor, 23 (Normount Ct.)
Aug. 31: Sean Blackwell, 20, (Fairmount St.)

Last week's goings-on at the federal courthouse:
The fake child-porn movie that's lured other pedophiles previously snared a 20-year military vet named Steve Miller.

Two months in jail for pro basketball player/ firearms fan Lonny Baxter for convincing his friend to send his other friend some guns via FedEx. Last August, Baxter was arrested by the Secret Service for firing off a .40 caliber Glock handgun into the air near the White House.

Edna Gorham-Bey, the self-proclaimed Sultana of the United States Moorish-American Nation, was found guilty of various counts related to forging postal money orders.


  1. Mr. Blackwell has a history of CDS distribution & possession, dice game, and assault charges, but of course they were all dropped by the State's Attorney's office. SHOCKING!

  2. Did anyone check out the Sun's website this morning? I had to laugh at "Vigil meant to save city." We don't need prayers, and we don't need "outrage" (well, outrage would help if it leads to concrete action). What we need are more cops, more prosecutors and tougher prison sentences for criminals.

  3. Well I go away for a long weekend and HoCo officially racks up it's 5th, while Baltimore continues down the spiral.

    Every time I head out HoCo seems to rack up another one. Well I'm planning on staying home for the ramainder of the year so hopefully we are done.

    While I really want Baltimore to come back to what it once was I don't see it happening anytime soon. Looking at the Mayoral race we have X more years of status quo. What ever may be said of O'Malley; when he first came in he did put policing as one of his more improtant issues. We should thank him for Ed Norris. That did shake up the status quo a bit. Unfortunaly that change did not last.

  4. hey where'd you get those ID's? i can't find anything in the sun and you didn't link anything.

  5. hey joe, wjz (or was it wbal? i forget) very briefly had an article up on saturday about hoco police finding a dead body in an suv way out in highland, but nothing about that has shown up anywhere else, including the HCPD's website.

  6. Burger,

    Thanks for the heads up. Here’s the WJZ Story Not much in it, but then there’s not much to Highland MD. It is quite literally 1 traffic light at the intersection of 2 roads.

    Also it’s a holiday weekend. So the news bulletins and crime blotter will be out sometime today when people get back to the office.

  7. oh also i had a hell of a time finding "brown ridge road" on a map. i believe they meants "brown's bridge road," which actually exists.

  8. oh yeah, i think the annapolis police can't count. their press release about sunday's murder says it was the 7th murder this year. my records say sixth. in addition, the release says "the previous one was on july 21st at the same address." if you look up the july 21st press release, it says "this is the 5th murder in annapolis this year." way to go. and now every news outlet in the state is repeating the erroneous "7th murder" thing.

  9. oh and also, the day of that murder, some news outlet (i forget which and now i can't find the article, it must have been quicly deleted after they found out that there was another murder that very day) was all about how annapolis residents are up in arms about the city's crime rate, even though it's lower than last year, and they claim there have been four murders in the city this year.

    all local news sucks.

  10. wait, nevermind, that story is still on wjz's site, and it still says annapolis has had 4 murders this year.

  11. "Did anyone check out the Sun's website this morning? I had to laugh at "Vigil meant to save city."
    ppatin, or whatever your name is???
    Have you personally known anyone KILLED in the city of BALTIMORE CITY in 2007!!!??? If you have or have not... WTF!!!! is sooooooo funny about a small group of women gathering in prayer, even if 10,000
    people were not out in force to show support.......You were probably running up and down Harford Road with M. SARBANES!!!......

  12. "ppatin, or whatever your name is???
    Have you personally known anyone KILLED in the city of BALTIMORE CITY in 2007!!!??? If you have or have not... WTF!!!! is sooooooo funny about a small group of women gathering in prayer, even if 10,000"

    What's funny/sad about it is that people think prayer vigils are a substitute for real solutions. They're not hurting anyone, but they sure as hell aren't making anything better. As I said, we need more cops, more prosecutors, and tougher sentences for criminals. Those will save lives and prevent crime. Prayer vigils won't do jack-shit.
