Tuesday, September 11, 2007

If you were alarmed to hear a scratchy Amber Alert break into the evening's 6 p.m. 'Simpsons' episode, don't worry, the one-year-old has been found.


  1. Well it's official, Sheila Dixon has won. Not like that's a surprise, but the vote wasn't even close. Jill Carter only got about 2% of the vote. City council pres is looking somewhat closer, but Rawlings-Blake is in the lead. I'm crying for Baltimore tonight.

  2. Oh, voter turnout was also abysmal. I guess people really do get the government they deserve.

  3. Something I have always said. This county is controlled by a minority of people. The minority that votes.

  4. Dixon I'd braced myself for, but Stuffame Galling-Flake?! Huh?! Wha?!
    Yesterday the ? was "who's going to win?" now it's "how much worse can it possibly get?"

  5. Yeah. The mayor's race was a foregone conclusion, but I really thought Michael Sarbanes might win the council president race. I certainly didn't expect him to get his butt whooped the way he did. There was a quote from season 4 of The Wire, where Daniels says something to Freamon along the lines of "It's morning in Baltimore, wake up and smell the coffee." All I could think of last night was "It's midnight in Baltimore, wake up and smell the shit."

  6. I'm officially disgusted with this place.

    Like I said before - Seattle! Who is with me?
