Sunday, September 2, 2007

beauchampPolice are ISO 57-year-old Kenneth Beauchamp, left, for the Rosedale murder of Patrick Pearce III.

Interesting poll results: while crime is the biggest issue to Baltimoreans who respond to telephone polls, the majority say that in their neighborhoods, it's "not much of a problem at all."

Arthur Lee Edmondson Jr., the city "officer who shot and killed a man during a struggle for his service weapon on a Northwest Baltimore street early Thursday had previously shot four people, including one man fatally in 1994, according to department records."


  1. 42% have been or directly know victims of violent crime in Baltimore. And 28% are considering a move on that basis.
    175,000 heads of household. Now, since these are presumably not minors, we multiply by the average household size of 2.1 and you get 368,000 total persons moving out of city.

    Sounds pretty compelling to me.

    See this article on mismeasurement of incidence in the U.K..

    Victim surveys nationally in the U.S. routinely double estimates of reported crime. In places with intimidation or police underreporting issues, it can be far more.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. And now former Police Commissioner Ed Norris declares a state of emergency in Baltimore City.

    Word up.

    And they continue to pack up and move out.

    Rodricks is perplexed by the decline in faith in the City's direction while we re-elect the same administration. Me too.

    Query: how can the Sun call Walbrook/Rosemont NW Baltimore while wjz calls it SW Baltimore ?? Either way, another 21 year-old, Gary Watts, was killed there last night.

    In the Blotter, look out for objects aimed at your head. It's a trend. But if you're lucky, a cop will be somewhere nearby investigating one of our many homicides.
