Monday, September 17, 2007

September 17

A fatal shooting by Baltimore City police officers: an unidentified man, #25 shot by police this year (and was the tenth to die). Related: "As violence in city increases, so does use of guns by officers." (See yesterday's comments. --Ed.)

I don't get why they didn't just rob the bank anyway -- y'know, since they were like, right outside -- but it really doesn't matter: the HowCoPoPo popped 'em up right quick. (Maybe the bank is one of those silly ones without weekend hours).

There's a pretty full blotter today.

And, while not Baltimore related: OJ Simpson, back in jail, I'm bettin' he's going to vow to spend the rest of his life tracking down the "real" robber.

If the underage criminal element in the city and its surrounding areas aren't enough to convince kids to lead a clean, honest life, perhaps we could scare 'em straight by taking them for a tour of Maryland's unclean youth offender facilities?

Running a red light may seem like the most minor crime ever, but when it causes you to run into an ambulance, it earns a mention.

Dead dogs and groin bites
: to add injury to injury, the victim's dog then got run over by someone at the scene. "Who cares about Pee-Gee?" you say? But dog attacks happen in Balmer, too.

And, speaking of motorcycle crashes, -- and because of the job he wanted to do -- police recruit Ruben Renta died, he "was speeding and not wearing a helmet ... lost control of his motorcycle, crashing into a road sign on the 2300 block of Hanson Road in Edgewood, according to the Harford Sheriff’s Department." So, listen: motorcyclers? Always wear your helmet, and don't run red lights (the latter applies to all drivers).


  1. Interesting - on the silly Fox 45 morning poll, the question was, basically, "What do you think of OJ's arrest?" The majority of the callers stated their belief that he was being set up... "again"!

  2. And those clowns are the people who make up this city's jury pool.

  3. ...and, of course, it didn't make it into the Blotter, but a resident near me who wanted to "enjoy the cool air and walk home" was mugged and beaten with a tire iron around 2AM Sunday morning walking back from the Dunkin Donuts on Harford Road.

  4. FYI, one more murder in NE Baltimore. The city's count has it at 122.

  5. Seven murders since Friday evening? Damn, we may have had our bloodiest three day period of the year.

  6. Haven't done this for a while.

    Our year-to-date murders have passed the annual counts the District of Columbia and Dallas (pop. 1.3 million) and will soon exceed the annual number of homicides in Phoenix (pop. 1.5 million).

    FYI, Balto. City only has a population base of about 635,000.

  7. Here's an article on homicide classification in NYC. NYC's total homicide count for the year-to-date is about 325, with a population of about 8.2 million.

  8. The F.O.P. takes the Brown pension deal to the courts.

  9. Hi from Wisconsin, where the big crime news is that they arrested three drunk drivers this weekend!

    I must respectfully object to your OJ entry there Snay. If people want that they can read! or turn on any cable news channel! How many OJs, that is, most probably guilty cold-blooded murderers, are walking around the streets of Baltimore?

    These "mass opiate" stories annoy the hell out of me. Not that I don't love some tabloids. I LOVE them. But tabloid stories belong in the tabloids!

    Thanks for blogging

  10. Last year NYC had a murder rate of 7.2 per 100k and we had 43.6 murders per 100k.

    For a year to date, NYC has lowered their murders even further by 16% (so far) and is on track to have a murder rate of 5 per 100k for this year. We have INCREASED our murders 13% and are looking at 50 murders per 100k.

    Which means:

    2006 - Baltimore had over 6 times more murders per capita than New York City,

    2007 - Baltimore is looking to have about 10 times more murders per captia than New York.
