Tuesday, September 18, 2007

September 18

Two people were killed yesterday: An MSU student was murdered on E. Cold Spring Ln. at 10:45 yesterday morning, and a man in Cherry Hill was fatally shot at 11:30 last night. And not to stir up the pot of racism (and alleged racism) that bubbles here so frequently, but if a JHU student got killed at 10:45 on a Monday morning on N. Charles St., would his death be relegated to two paragraphs on the second page of an article about the escalating murder rate?

Three Sun reporters dig up more on the two domestic killings in Baltimore County over the weekend.

Good news for PG criminals who don't give a damn about UM: In the search for a serial kisser/fondler/rapist, "there are more police per square foot in College Park than virtually any area in Prince George's County."

In the Blotter, stolen beer and an arrest in Christopher Clarke's murder.

Eight months? That's outrageous, even by Baltimore standards.

Another Baltimore jury gets a chance to prove their wisdom, as they deliberate the witness intimidation case against Victor Shuron and Yusef Winston-Bey.

God bless you and your free speech, Mr. Keegan: "If Dixon continues to be nothing more than a machine stooge feeding the tax-fed kleptocracy for friends, relatives and contributors as the only ones who 'Get In On It,' Baltimore will sink. If she continues turning Baltimore into a school-free drug zone, residents the city needs most will flee."


  1. Speaking of N. Charles Street, check out the robberies in Charles Village. And this when we've got a witness shooting and a witness bombing case in the news across the way in Waverly. Fun times in North Baltimore.

  2. Wow, only one aggravated assault! Crime is down thanks to the DIXON CRIME PLAN. I knew it would work. I guess all those robberies were incidents where the poor misunderstood robber shouted "Give me your money, sir!" and merely picked up the person's wallet and fled into the night.

  3. From The Sun, regarding the MSU student: "Police said a gunman approached the victim, shot him several times and ran away." Unless it was a case of mistaken identity, that MO pretty much speaks for itself.

  4. Well, at least the City Council is going to do something about baggy pants.

  5. speaking of the college park police-saturation thing, on sunday two guys were murdered in separate incidents 4 hours apart on the same street in langley park, a small MS-13 stronghold near college park that lots of UM students live and/or go shopping in.

  6. Did you see the incident in the Blotter involving Calvin Ray? Mr. Ray has been in criminal court many times for assault, robbery, murder conspiracy, and handguns.

    On May 2003 he was sentenced to 15 years, 10 suspended. Last summer he violated his supervised probation and was recommitted pursuant to a VOP warrant. Why was he out here ????

    Robbery and assault charges were null-prossed just six months ago. Again, people, why was he out here among civilized human beings ?

  7. Might I recommend that as to violent offenders or those with violent histories when/if suspension of sentence is considered, then the offender be required to remain outside of Baltimore City limits for he suspended period immediately after release, under penalty of immediate recommittment if found within the City.

    It's what used to be called an Outlaw Declaration.

  8. A better choice would be to make it impossible for judges to suspend sentences. If judges can't use their discretion properly then take it away. Do what the feds do and impose harsh mandatory minimum sentences without the chance of parole.

  9. But also, if a judge is known to have no sentencing discretion, the jury will be reluctant to convict for the max penalty. The defense counsel will tell them "If you find him Guilty, then you will be sentencing him to 15 years. Period. If you aren't comfortable with that, you must find him Not Guilty." And they will here.

    I'd really like to start deconcentrating the hoodlums from City limits. As more and more are imposed upon citizens in the counties, those citizens will increasingly call for truth in sentencing in order to protect their own safety as well as ours.

  10. Don't allow defense lawyers to tell the jury what the sentence will be. Also, we need to do something about the idiotic city jury pool. I suggest merging the city & county court systems *ducks as screams of protest begin on the other side of the county line*.

  11. I'm on board with that. Merge the court jurisdictions and desegregate the criminality.

  12. While we're merging court systems could we have the Baltimore County state's attorney as well? I'm very fond of the county's policy on the death penalty (although I'm not sure if Scott Schellenberger will be as tough on criminals as Sandra O'Connor was).

  13. I, for one, am a proponent of the US attorney's office being ceded full authority in all criminal matters for Baltimore City.

    Bush had better not take our US attorney away for the sake of the 4th circuit court of appeals...

  14. I think you are all crazy. Dixon's holistic crime strategy is the way to go. I think we need to simply increase the property tax a bit more to fund it. Don't you know how many criminals have renounced the gangsta lifestyle upon seeing the beautiful afternoon sun shimmering off the majestic statue in front of Penn Station?

  15. Doesn't the average city of approx. our size (650,000) have about 10 to 20 homicides per year? And maybe a few hundred muggings, versus, like what 10,000 here?

  16. Uh, there are a lot of small to medium sized countries that have fewer murders than we do per year.

  17. The Baltimore Crime Blog won "Best Baltimore Related Web Site" in the new Citypaper Best of Baltimore reader's poll.

  18. "Don't you know how many criminals have renounced the gangsta lifestyle upon seeing the beautiful afternoon sun shimmering off the majestic statue in front of Penn Station?"

    Ha ha. What we really need are public floggings for convicted criminals. THAT would probably make a few hoodlums give up the gangsta lifestyle. I've got a feeling that the cat-o-nine-tails would be a better detterent than a year or two in Jessup or Hagerstown.

  19. Shit, big typo there, I spelled "deterrent" all wrong.

    By the way, the baggy pants article made me want to scream.

    "A Baltimore City councilwoman introduced a nonbinding resolution last night calling for a "constructive dialogue" with the city's youth about the "popular practice of wearing certain kinds of low-hanging pants, and other fashions that adults find socially and aesthetically objectionable.""

    Nero fiddles, Baltimore burns.

  20. Do you realize that Baltimore City is going to have more murders this year than the entire continent of Australia ??

  21. Helen Holton needs to focus on the real issues: pleated pants on fat guys, crop tops on fat girls, loafers without socks, crocs, man-flops, backwards baseball hats on anyone not giving a blowjob, eyebrow and lip piercings, navy blazers with khaki pants, slobs in sports jerseys, hair gel for men...

  22. "...backwards baseball hats on anyone not giving a blowjob..."

    Thanks alot cy, I was drinking a soda when I read that and blew some out of my nose (kinda stings).

  23. best local blog.

    best baltimore-related website was fucking citypaper.com. i used to think the city paper was stupid but now i know that city paper readers are even more stupid (i'm not just saying this because i'm mad that i only got 12 people to vote for my site).

  24. ...sorry gor. glad you weren't eating oatmeal!

  25. Just read the MSU article-- I'm so over these people! Okay, Dixon is soo upset about the crime-- how about appointing an actual police commissioner! Hire somebody already! Is she going to make the city wait for the coronation in November?!

    And shut up Doc, "It just shows the community needs to respond to this." Don't blame "the community"-- like it's the fault of the law-abiding ciizens because they don't have some sign in the window! Like "they" like the situation!
    Why do people keep talking to this guy?

    And I agree that it totally stinks of some racist bs there with the MSU student. When a Hopkins student gets killed, royal media conniption. Morgan State ... ho hum! Yawn!
    Do any brown people of African heritage even work at the Sun besides Greg Kane?

  26. wow, look at all those robberies in Charles Village... it's like the 80s again!

  27. "...backwards baseball hats on anyone not giving a blowjob..."

    Okay, that almost killed me. Congrats, Best Comment Ever.
