Thursday, September 27, 2007

September 27

Brian Fish's last duty as a prosecutor before joining Immigration and Customs Enforcement was the plea agreement in the Melvin Jones case. Fish prosecuted the "Don Papa" Blake case and the "DJ Tommy" bench trial, and we hear he's having goodbye drinks tonight at Mick O'Shea's. So if you're down that way, go thank the tall bald guy for his service!

The man found in Wyman Park was identified as Keith Ray, 24, who apparently died of a bullet wound to the head.
And another man stabbed to death on the street! "Police responding to a report of an injured man in the 600 block of N. Brice St. about 10 a.m. found the man bleeding from at least one stab wound. He was taken by ambulance to a hospital, where he died a short time later."

And yet another! A man was stabbed in an alley and died last week, also near Druid Hill Park. "Robert Rutledge, 40, of the 1900 block of Ridgehill Ave., was found injured in an alley in the 2800 block of Parkwood Ave. and died two days later at Maryland Shock Trauma Center." Nice to get the news a week later that some stabby lunatic is on the loose!

"James Watkins claims he and others in Hope Village apartments in East Baltimore were harassed — and some detained — after they tried to record Baltimore police using excessive force."

Good watchin'?The extra 'e' is for extra pee: Norris Ford of Dundalk will pay a $ettlement for harassing female employees... and secretly filming them while they were in the bathroom!

New drug slang: "boog suge" (as in booger sugar?)


  1. Correction: Fairlawn Ave. and Brice St. were stabbings.

    Rutledge on Parkwood Ave. was a blunt force trauma.

    Only in Baltimore could one have so much difficulty sifting through the dead bodies as they pile up !

    Someone decharter this city, please ??

  2. Thanks galt, I don't know why I wrote that!

  3. Hey, watch the stabby lunatic slurs.

    I'll have you know that stabby (and other) lunatics represent a considerable component of the 1% of Marylanders who elected Sheila Dixon Mayor of this great city. And they will NOT be disrespected as a political constituency !

  4. On that note I repost my statistical observations regarding the Baltimore City parole releasee population and reasons why no one should be surprised at the body count:

    1) 66% have served prior terms in jail/prison

    2) over 27% have their parole status violated

    3) the largest group, 37% of the total, serve from 40 to 60% of their sentence

    One in three is rearrested within 6 mos. of release, but mostly not before 3 mos. after release (so they are ticking timebombs after the first 100 days.)

    42% have had four or more prior convictions

    68% have had prior jail/prison terms

    56% had been arrested as juveniles

    40% simultaneously had a family member in prison while serving their sentence

    Over 37% of all releasees return to only 11% of Baltimore's neighborhoods.

    16% are reconfined within 6 mos. on a new conviction

    It's a lifestyle here, not an aberration. These individuals are quite habituated to crime and are fundamentally resistant to becoming civilized as young (predominantly) males. That changes somewhat later in life, but they need confinement until then.

  5. Did the Norris Ford employee secretly tape them douching?

  6. Hey galt, I thought the victims who'd been arersted was much higher, I heard 91 percent in that USA Today story... maybe the higher number includes people who have been arrested but not convicted of anything?

  7. I got a kick out of this comment from the Douche's blog.

    "Now, what if we were to take the amount of money we've sifted off spending on ourselves that we are now giving to Iraq war contractors, and put it back into our own infrastructure and services - imagine what our schools could be like"

    I'm no fan of the war in Iraq, Baltimore schools are NOT short of money. There's a saying in computer science, "garbage in, garbage out." As long as you have kids whose fathers are doing twenty to life in Jessup, whose mothers live off of welfare & food stamps and who get fed Doritos for breakfast your school system isn't going to be able to educate then. You could take all the money that's been pissed away in Iraq, spend it on city public schools, and the results would still be the same.

  8. "It's a lifestyle here, not an aberration. These individuals are quite habituated to crime and are fundamentally resistant to becoming civilized as young (predominantly) males."

    Our justice system also does very little to encuorage civilized behavior, since hoodlumery is generally punished with a slap on the wrist. To get punished in any real way you need to be either very unlucky or very stupid.

  9. Victims rearrested?

    Sounds like a Baltimore thing to me. And I have some experience in that area.

    If you mean parolees rearrested, the 33% figure is just for those rearrested within a six-month period after release.

    16%, or about half, are new convictions within 6 mos.

    Longitudinally, the rearrest rate would be much higher over the lifespan. In Baltimore City, I'd guess you're understating at 91%.

    And, uh, how'd we get back onto Doritos ?

  10. oh, I read "the Baltimore City parole releasee population and reasons why no one should be surprised at the body count" to mean you were talking about victims. For whatever reason. I'm spacy today!

    Dorito what? Dortio who?

  11. Oh, and you cannot own stuff if you park in North Central Baltimore (Charles Village, Tuscany-Canterbury, Roland Park).

    It will be stolen.

  12. I'm kinda leaning toward Pre-K Penitentiaries. Why wait?

    My own Baltimorized version of No Child Left Behind.

  13. "I'm kinda leaning toward Pre-K Penitentiaries. Why wait?"

    After reading the theory that Roe V. Wade reduces crime I began referring to abortion as pre-emptive capital punishment :)

  14. Oh, and to de-bunk a popular myth, the percentage of Baltimore releasees (60% of the state total) confined for drug offenses is under one third. Of those, the majority had higher-crime charges which were not adjudicated (for instance, by plea bargain).

    They are not primarily victims of a war on drugs. They aren't victims. We are.

  15. yeah word up PP.
    The city schools are unholy heck holes, but that's because the people in charge not only can't add* but lose-- as in simply misplace, or don't qualify for federal funds due to not being up to standards-- millions a year.

    * did anybody see that story about all of the math errors in the school budget? It was a hoot (in a sick disturbing way)-- now I forget where I saw it.

  16. ... not word up to the pre-primary pentitentiaries of course. Though then again, if you've got kids whose parents won't comb their hair, wash their clothes or feed them breakfast, a boarding school for younger kids is not a bad idea atall (they do have boarding schools for kids as young as 5 in France. Maybe we should send all the Dorito-sired kids to France!)

  17. I say we sell them to the Catholic Church. Sister Mary Ignatius will straighten them out.

  18. yes those priests never leave a childs behind!

  19. What we need to do is stop the wrong people from reproducing. I'd suggest forcible sterilization for felons with repeat offenses or violent crime convictions. I'm sure someone will call me a racist eugenicist for this, but is it really that outrageous to suggest that a hoodlum who shoots someone else because he was "disrespected" should lose his right to reproduce?

  20. "After reading the theory that Roe V. Wade reduces crime I began referring to abortion as pre-emptive capital punishment :)"

    I've actually read some articles now that dispute the abortion/lower crime relationship or correlation. I know a UMD prof did a writeup on it, I think his name is Jim Manzi. There's a similar article (with a nifty chart too) here:

    I'll try and get the referenced scholarly article, which will make my claim a little more legit.

    Also, a couple years (months?) back, didn't Bmore city schools lose (misplace, spend) something like 20 million? I guess its not how much money you throw away but who throws it away.

  21. My abortion comment was mostly tongue-in-cheek. It's impossible to prove or disprove a theory such as that, sort of like everything else in social "science."

  22. Didn't Bill Bennett say something similar - that you could reduce crime by aborting every black child?

    Its a little scary that we're toeing this line, even in jest... still...

  23. Just to keep everyone up to date, we are still on track for 2007 to have a murder rate of 49.5 murders per 100k, which is higher than the worst Schmoke years I have in my records (1990).

    Just to compare, New York City is looking at a murder rate of just 4.5 murders per 100k.

  24. Also, a couple years (months?) back, didn't Bmore city schools lose (misplace, spend) something like 20 million? I guess its not how much money you throw away but who throws it away.

    Actually, it was a shocking $58 million. Who the hell could lose 58 freakin million dollars???????

  25. The $50 million was a few years ago, then a few months ago they lost another $20 million or so. We ought to bring back flogging as a punishment for truly stupid/corrupt public officials.

  26. thanks for the book suggestion geisha-- right up my alley!

  27. "We ought to bring back flogging as a punishment for truly stupid/corrupt public officials."

    Now this i hope is NOT tongue in cheek...

  28. too bad the Big Fish is leaving the State's Attorney's Office. I hear they now have 30 year olds with only 4 years experience trying homicide cases

  29. I have to second that shout-out to Criminally Yours. There's at least one really good "think" piece in there re: crime in Bolton Hill, and the other anecdotes skew toward strangeness and not tragedy. Good light reading for crime news junkies, at a nice price. If you don't want to buy it at Douce Central (a terrific bookstore, btw), I'm sure it can be picked up somewhere at the Balto book fest this weekend.

  30. "too bad the Big Fish is leaving the State's Attorney's Office. I hear they now have 30 year olds with only 4 years experience trying homicide cases"

    Why would anyone want to work as an overworked, underpaid ASA under a clown like Pat Jessamy?

  31. So sucky The Douche owns my favorite book store!
    Not the best of business sense to publicly insult your customers-- especially the self-righteous & indignant types!
