Friday, September 28, 2007

September 28

A 43-year-old man was shot in the face in the 2700 block of Tivoly Ave., near Clifton Park in the Coldstream Homestead Montebello neighborhood. His condition is unknown.

Blotter: Police identified Richard Ray, 27, of the 3700 block of Woodbine Ave. as the man stabbed about 6:30 p.m. Tuesday during an argument with another man in the 5200 block of Fairlawn Ave. (not to be confused with Keith Ray found in Wyman Park); Alfred Smith, 56, of the 900 block of N. Arlington Ave. in West Baltimore was identified as the man stabbed about 10 a.m. Wednesday in the 700 block of Appleton St.; an arrest for the murder of Davon Qualls, 17,; a man shot in the foot; a man and woman stabbed in the County.

BMore Civics Essay Questions:
Why did thee Tivoly Ave guy above get his own story, but other assault victims were lumped into the Blotter?

What should the government do for disabled people with rage problems?

Are iPods causing a nationwide crime wave?

"Gov. Martin O'Malley indicated yesterday that he will propose spending $169 million less on public education next year than required under law."
Why would a governor be more beholden to developers than pro-education constituents, though voting education supporters outnumber developers by a factor of thousands?
Do you think his or her plans to run for higher office in the future could affect these priorities?
Why or why not?
"The good news!: "A man determined not to be the victim of a robbery in downtown Baltimore wrestled a gun away from his attacker [Calvin Ray] and shot him three times, city police said."
QTD: "If you want to survive in this town, you need to be good on your feet.” -- community activist David Briggs
(Sorry I almost missed that fab story!).

Reginald Smith, 22, was murdered on a Randallstown playground (or parking lot) apparently by a city resident.

"Baltimore County police say a Pikesville man assaulted and robbed an armored truck courier outside an Overlea bank, but the driver of a getaway car took off with the cash and left him behind."

In the County, a guy got 30 years for writing two rubber checks.

Angela Green, a Maryland Transportation Authority Police officer, was indicted along with her boyfriend on September 21 on charges they dealt crack cocaine from the Curtis Bay home they shared.


  1. they arrested the guy that ran over charles erdman, and they're charging him with first-degree murder. see? intentionally running people over with your car counts as murder.

  2. Oh, and for once I agree with Elijah Cummings, but for different reasons: what's going to happen to all the hoodlums in those projecs ?

    Are they going to be settled into luxury condos in Canton and Tuscany-Canterbury, or are they going to be sent up into embattled Harwood, Pen Lucy, the Waverlies, and bullet-riddled CHM on section 8 vouchers ?

    No thanks!

    Before the City demo's the projects again, you first make reservations for all residents in the white elephant Convention Hotel. We'l see how well your tourists like the real Baltimore.

    We need an affirmtive plan to export these people, since the municipal government refuses to supply adequate babysitting (read: police) capacity.

  3. So, to recap:

    As Mayor: Slots Bad!
    As Gov: Slots Good!

    As Mayor: Gay Marriage Good!
    As Gov: Gay Marriage Bad!

    As Mayor: BGE Rate Hike Bad!
    As Gov: BGE Rate Hike Good!

    As Mayor: Thornton Good!
    As Gov: Thornton Bad!

    Sheesh... whatta phony!

  4. From the Calvin Ray story:

    "Margaret Burns, spokeswoman for the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office, said the office will investigate the shooting to determine what, if any, charges should be filed.

    “We will review the statements of witnesses and forensics to determine whether the shooting was in self-defense and therefore a justified shooting.” "

    Aaargh, of course the shooting was in self-defense! The SA's office can't prosecute career criminals properly, but they can waste resources investigating brave, law-abiding citizens who stand up to hoodlums! The only thing this guy did wrong was to only injure the guy who attacked him. Fine him $20 for not putting a fourth bullet into the scumbag's head and finishing the job.

  5. The Howard Fry story is one of the most awful things I have read in a long time. I couldn't believe that two of his attackers had most of their sentences suspended!

  6. Thornton is an evil monster that is gobbling up the state's budget. Money is not the problem with our public schools.

  7. sorry which tragedy is Howard Fry's?

  8. oh right, Rodericks' story.
    It is horrible, but what should the government do about it?

  9. galt, when you say you're agreeing with elijah cummings for a different reason, you mean you're agreeing with a wrong reason. most of the projects listed in the article as slated for demolition are 100% or nearly 100% vacant and boarded/bricked up. there aren't really any hoodlums living in them because there isn't really anybody at all living in them.

  10. I wonder if our "90 day wonders" (legislators) are anything like this?

  11. ppatin, 10 years out of 25 = 40% != "most."

  12. True, but let's not forget that neither of those thugs will actually serve the full ten years.

  13. "oh right, Rodericks' story.
    It is horrible, but what should the government do about it?"

    Brutally punish the thugs who attacked him.

  14. Ok, I slightly misread the Howard Fry story. It thought they had 15 years suspended, not all but 15 years. Still, they won't serve the full 15 years, and what they all deserved was life w/o parole.

  15. OK, if the projects are empty, take 'em down. But I still expect the City to accept responsibility for the ill-behaved characters they put up in our neighborhoods. Either babysit them or ship them outta here, but don't just shift them from one low-cost area to another. That's another form of garbage-dumping.

  16. I meant pp, what should the government do for Howard Fry himself: they can't institutionalize him with other people because he's violent, so what should be done for him?

  17. re: 30 years for writing two rubber checks.

    absolutely riduculous. 30 years is way too long of a sentence. the man offered to make full restitution if he could go home to get the money. the judge wanted to put this man away because he was an alledged drug dealer.
