Sunday, September 9, 2007

September 9

Two more police-involved shootings today, and unshockingly both were the result of "domestics."

Alleged killer of Detective Troy Lamont Chesley (and alleged carjacker, robber, assailant, etc etc), Brandon Grimes. is seeking to change his plea from "not guilty" to "not criminally responsible" on account of bipolar disorder or a learning disorder or something.

Amazing survival story! Missing student James McCormick had driven his car into a ravine, and was found a week later by a sharp-eyed pregnant passenger!

Wow, there really are more black men in jail than in prison!

While Baltimoreans are annoyed about crime, but apparently not enough so to do anything about it, Annapolitans are freaking.


  1. Why would it matter if more black men are in prison than in university? More criminals are also in prison than in university. More jews are bankers than are steelworkers.

    The real question is: How many of the 800,000 black men in prison are actually innocent ?? If the percentage is trivial, so is the argument.

    Crime does not generally 'happen to' offenders. They choose it, perhaps foolishly.

    Also, read Wachter's letter on good-time credit here.

  2. Saw a guy on an atv getting chased by 5 police cars and the helicopter up mount royal today.

  3. "The real question is: How many of the 800,000 black men in prison are actually innocent ?? If the percentage is trivial, so is the argument."

    Thank you. That's the same thing that I think when I hear about racial disparities with death sentences. I don't really care what the proportions are, as long as the people on death row are guilty. I suppose it could mean that we should be executing more white criminals...

  4. Just something to chew on -- the majority of criminals on death row (nationally) are white. So are the majority of welfare recipients, and the statistics for prison inmates was about even for white and black -- again, nationally. I don't understand why race is brought up time and time again since a criminal is a criminal, regardless of skin color. Nobody's saying "lock up all the black men in Baltimore" -- we want the criminals locked up, regardless of who they are.

  5. Nobody's saying "lock up all the black men in Baltimore" -- we want the criminals locked up, regardless of who they are.

    Farsty, you may not be saying it BUT JG has said that "until a large number of AA men (fellow baltimoreas) are locked up things in Baltimore will not change (im paraphrasing but willing to find the quote if required)

    Molestors get a criminals get pages and pages of ignorant comments.

    Want to fix baltimore....want to fix AMERICA....start seeing all broken parts and all citizens as your problem (too!) and not just your entertainment or a hobby you share with your pontificating friends.

    Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
    Matthew 7:3

  6. a) many, many Baltimore criminals need to be arrested,

    b) most Baltimore criminals (and residents) are black,

    c) most (85%) criminals (in Baltimore and nationally) are male,

    Ergo, many black males in Baltimore, being criminals, need locking up.

    Is my logic not correct ?

  7. (1) The reason men from certain communities are over-represented in prison populations is because criminal behavior has become normative in many communities. Want to fix the problem? Alter the community norms. That is MUCH harder to do than locking people up. So we just lock 'em up. And the cycle continues.

    (2) To be fair, there is no (legal) suggestion that the NCR plea in the Grimes case is a function of a learning disability. Let's not go throwing stones at the learning disabled. The NCR plea is grossly distorted in the popular imagination as it is. There's almost no chance that Grimes will qualify for an NCR under any circumstances. Statistically, it is raised in fewer than 1% of cases and succeeds fewer than 1% of the times it is raised, and if Grimes was competent enough to enter a not guilty plea early on, the odds are that he is not one of the less than 1/10th of 1% of people who make a successful NCR claim.

  8. i agree with points points you raise emptyman

    and thanks jg for clearing that up
