Friday, September 7, 2007

Three Years for Kaufman's Brick-Basher

This morning Judge Wanda K. Heard sentenced Steven Carr, 38, of the 3800 block of Hillsdale Road, to 15 years in prison, suspending all but three years. Said the SA's office, in their no-nonsense style:
Carr pled guilty to robbery with a deadly weapon May 11, 2007 for assaulting mayoral candidate A. Robert Kaufman in the head with a brick, taking money from Mr. Kaufman on December 6, 2006 at Mr. Kaufman’s home on North Hilton Street. Judge Heard ordered that the sentence run concurrent to the two years that Carr is currently serving for violating probation on a previous CDS case. The court also ordered that Carr be placed on probation for five years following his release from prison, during which time he is to complete his GED, and complete his licensing as an electrician. He will also be provided with drug and alcohol treatment, if necessary, along with an anger management counseling. At the hearing, Mr. Kaufman spoke at length about his concerns for Mr. Carr, and the city in general. He expressed his wishes that Mr. Kaufman receive rehabilitation and counseling during his incarceration in the hopes that Mr. Carr will “become a productive member of society.” Judge Heard said that she was very moved by both Mr. Kaufman’s and Mr. Carr’s comments. The State had asked for a prison term of 20 years suspend all but 10 years. Assistant State’s Attorney and General Trial Division Chief Lawrence Doan prosecuted this case.


  1. "He will also be provided with drug and alcohol treatment, if necessary, along with an anger management counseling."

    Are there honestly people who're naive enough to believe that this sort of crap has any benefit for a thug like Steven Carr? How about they scrap all the feel-good nonsense, and make him serve the full 15 years of his sentence. That'll keep him from re-offending for a long time...

  2. That or cut off his hands and feet...

  3. Geez Louise.

    He's a hoodlum, pure and simple. Give him ten years consecutive.

    What is the significance of a concurrent sentence? Technically, we find you guilty, but the penalty is zero ???

    That'll teach him!
