Thursday, October 4, 2007

Teens Trussed in Playground Bust!

Spotted at about 3:30 p.m.: seven white t-shirt teenagers getting busted at the playground in the 3400 block of Elm Avenue in Hampden.


  1. The Top Shelf Lounge was shut down after they had three murders since 2004.

  2. I know this isn't strictly crime related, but it's a good example of why I hate lawyers oh so much. Some bar associations are declaring collaborative divorce proceedings "unethical" since they result in less fighting and fewer billings for divorce lawyers. Maybe they should switch to criminal defense where they can suborn perjury, humiliate rape victims on the stand and slander honest law-enforcement officers.

  3. $14,000 for four sessions!!? Jezum crow! Unless those sessions were 20 hours long that's ridiculous!
    If they're so civil, why not just hire a mediator?

    ps. I love lawyers!

  4. "I love lawyers!"

    Was that serious or sarcastic?

  5. Seriously! I have used many great lawyers who have sweated complicated and stressful issues on my behalf, and they were all worth every dime.

  6. I think you are unfairly categorizing a huge profession that has a lot of practice specialties.

    You know what "They" say-- everybody hates lawyers until they need one!

  7. Cybes, you are of course correct that not all lawyers are bloodsucking weasels, and it's not quite fair of me to imply that they are. However the legal profession has managed to create a lot of artificial demand for their skills. For example you should be able to buy or sell a home without having to pay for an attorney. You're right that everyone hates lawyers until they need one, but if it weren't for the lawyers who write our laws the average person would be a lot less likely to need a lawyer in the first place!

    Also, look how terrified people in this country are of litigation. I know a couple of people who run a dodgeball league (for the over 21 crowd) and they of course have to get liability insurance. I'm sorry but that's idiotic. If you're an adult and you hurt yourself playing a game YOU are the only one who is responsible. Liability insurance shouldn't even have to cross anyone's mind. Obviously not all lawyers are ambulance chasers, however the legal profession is quite willing to sit back and reap the profits as we become a more and more overlawyered society.

  8. Can't they just make people sign a waiver?

  9. Your friends with the dodgeball league should just not get any insurance, and if they get sued by some whiner, that's just the perils of the game!

  10. Actually, there's a legal doctrine called "assumption of the risk" (and another called "contributory negligence") that might shield the dodgeballers. But yeah, waivers are never a bad idea. Liability insurance seems a bit much.
