Monday, October 22, 2007

October 22

"Honey, do you know this guy?" Police officer Andre Robinson hooked up with a married woman while on duty in the NW, then shot her husband in the legs after he came after them with a crowbar. Jayne Miller reports that it's not clear if Robinson knew the woman was married.

The Blotter's back!
A man was assaulted on Woodbourne Avenue, a grocery store burgled, a handicapped person's Plymouth Voyager purloined, a man stabbed in the back in Essex, more than two dozen firearms stolen in White Marsh.

Last week's legal news, courtesy of TDR: Microsoft antitrust claims can proceed, lyin' lawyer Jerold K. Nussbaum was disbarred, the CSA decided that a rape defendant’s rights were violated when the state put a mentally disabled alleged victim on the stand but did not allow the accused to cross-examine her, parents who withdrew their child from a private school have to pay tuition, interest and fees, even if the school incurred no loss.

Members of the Westboro Baptist Church go on trial today in an invasion-of-privacy lawsuit filed by Albert Snyder, the father of a Marine killed in Iraq. Meanwhile, church members spent their Sunday picketing the Baltimore Basilica.

The Guardian Angels are back and saying they're planning to patrol the Eastern District. Wait, haven't we seen this story before?

PDJ: Daniel Cuneo, who got 5 years 5 months in jail for arranging sex for clients with underage girls in the Philippines.


  1. In other news... If anyone's still wondering why our insurance rates are so high, here's a tidbit. Friday morning, around 6:30, I heard the telltale screech BANG of an accident. Went out on the porch & saw two cars had collided, one knocked front-first into a utility pole, pretty well destroyed. Four youths sauntered casually out of and away from the aforementioned wreck, and the other car drove off down the road. By the time the police got there, all parties were gone and the abandoned (probably stolen) car blocked traffic for a few hours before being hauled away.

  2. This is why we should flog car thieves. I'm sure that even if those little dirtbags had been caught they'd only get a slap on the wrist. A good whipping would teach them a lesson though.

    Also, anyone who lives in the city and doesn't invest in a Club is crazy. It's far from foolproof, but it's a pretty cheap way to make your car safer.

  3. The Zach Sowers website has a good column by Gregory Kane. Supposedly at least one of Zach's attackers has been assaulted in jail, and that warmed my heart. I hope all four of those vile thugs are raped in prison, get infected with HIV and die.

  4. Ah, how very draconian...

    I read the Kane Article - its nice to see him coming back into his old form.

    I was recently in new orleans and it shocked me how similar the city is to Baltimore - extremely gentrified and certainly with a false sense of security as well.

    I wonder what causes people to see their towns through such ruby colored glasses...

  5. And New Orleans has an even more worthless mayor than we do!

  6. Perhaps we could replace the 80,000 people who have left new orleans and haven't returned with the 80,000 most worthless people from baltimore?

  7. Does anyone know where i can crime statistics in baltimore for about the last ten years. I am a math teacher and am hoping to have my students analyze the trends. If you know anywhere to look email me at

  8. I'd suggest starting with the FBI's UCR statistics, available here.

  9. For each year, go to Table 8 - Reported Crimes in Each City and select your State and then select your City.

  10. Here is a prime example of why I hate the Sun. Punishments for juvenilles who commit violent crimes in this state are already laughably weak, and what do these clowns call for? Abolishing life w/out parole for those under 18! Nauseating. If you commit an adult crime you deserve adult punishment, no second chances.

  11. BTW, that article is an excellent example of why I will never stop supporting capital punishment. The moment we give up the death penalty there will be idiots who begin fighting to weaken and eventually abolish life w/out parole.

  12. a manual transmission is the best way I've found to deter car stealing hoodies

  13. Here's an amusing quote from the witness intimidation story:

    "The intruders also wrote expletives, but some appeared to be misspelled."

    What a fine example of how stupid thugs and hoodlums are. Those brain-dead knuckleheads can't even write profanity properly.

  14. The Barnes and Noble in Ellicott City occasionally has graffiti in the bathroom. This in itself is not that special. But someone comes along and corrects the spelling and grammar.

  15. that is totally something I would do.
    But I haven't been hanging out in HoCo I swear!
