Saturday, October 6, 2007

October 6

A murder in the Northwest (no word anywhere on who, where, what time) ended a an entire week without a murder.
Is some new method working, or was it happenstance... or was it The Bealefeld Effect?

More good* news, on Orleans Street last night, an officer shot and wounded a suspect who was firing at another man, probably preventing a homicide. (*wounding is good news if death is the only other option, right?)

"A 24-year-old man who was shot last week was shot a second time about 3 a.m. Thursday while walking down a street in West Baltimore."
Plus a date rape in the Blotter.
(Ed: It would be an interesting project to compare the various crimes on the police map vs. the ones in the Blotter to come up with a percentage of what the Blotter covers. I'll bet with robberies it's like, 1/500th)

Vandals broke into Armistead Gardens Elementary School two nights in a row.

Our carjack-victim readers will be happy to hear that one 19-year-old Calvin Williams got more than 12 years for his role in two NW thefts.

Charles Brockington, the guy who shot the guy over car rims, is free.

In the week following Bealefeld's appointment, various leaders voiced their good cheer and fond wishes. Everyone, that is, but "Doc" Cheatham, who made certain to register his regret about the Commissioner's oystery complexion and suspect heritage in the local tabloid before setting his sights upon Carroll County, where his dear friend the Reverend Al Sharpton was planning to attend a rally to demand that criminal civil rights charges be brought against six detention-school employees who had been implicated the death of Isaiah Simmons III, crushed to unconsciousness one chaotic night at the now-closed Taneytown Bowling Brook Preparatory school.

Fun stats:
Ratio of Baltimore City residents to # of sex offenders: 396 to 1.
Ratio in Taneytown: 218 to 1

A source reports four more t-shirt boys arrested in Hampden, cuffed & sitting on the curb on 36th street yesterday afternoon. Book 'em Kramer!


  1. I wonder what the ratio would be if Taneytown had have the "Stop Snitching" culture throughout it like Baltimore?

    Or, if Baltimore residents would actually be surprise of 14 year old mothers? Remember in Taneytown, any adult having sex with a 15 year old girl is a crime, here, the outrage doesn't start unless that girl is 12 or younger even.

  2. interesting theory!
    Or maybe perverts prefer the privacies of the countryside ...

  3. there are also a lot more female heads of household in the city.
    I think that a lot of it is when mom depends on some new daddy who then turns out to be a sex predator.

  4. Television news has this on Bealefeld's 'plan' to lower crime. I'm not sure I'd count so much on Baltimoreans if I were him.

  5. Also, sexual perversions are more easily satisfied here in Balitmore with the high availability of street-walkers and (like I alluded to before) the lower sexual morality of our city's children and their parent(s) who really don't seem to care as much, so the pervs in Taneytown have limited choices unlike our pervs.

    BTW, the comparision of two very dissimilar populations is not really statistically honest. Though I guess since Baltimore really sucks so much, we have to find something to be proud about.

  6. WTF ?

    2300 Eutaw Place is at like North Avenue in the Midtown District. How does that get to be characterized as Northwest Baltimore ???

  7. whoa whoa whoa, "lower sexual morality of our city's children"?! You think children get molested because of their lax morals? That's horrible!
    "That five-year-old was asking for it, officer!"

    Maybe an urban population has less of that backward attitude of the crime tainting the victim. And kids are more worldly here. For a chickenhawk I'd think a scout troupe of Taneytown Baptists would be a lot easier pickings than "corner kids."

    And I"m not sure that if a pedophile likes prepubescent children a crack ho will do in a pinch. I think they tend to be pretty fetishistic about it.

  8. No Cyb, I'm talking about all the pregnant children in our Middle/High Schools Schools and the parents who fail to raise their them responsibly. I'm not suggesting anything about prepubescent children (I'm sure even in immoral Baltimore that sex with a 6 year is wrong).

    My point is the pervs in Taneytown are held to a higher standard and would be in trouble for having sex with a 15 year old, but here in Baltimore sexual activity at 14 & 15 is the norm (if not culturally required in some places). So, Baltimore pervs are more tolerated and hence they have a lower statistical average than their counter-parts in Taneytown.

  9. "John Galt said...
    WTF ? 2300 Eutaw Place is at like North Avenue in the Midtown District. How does that get to be characterized as Northwest Baltimore ???"

    This murder took place at 2353 Eutaw Place, which is in the Upper Eutaw/Madison neighborhood, a city-designated historic district within the larger Reservoir Hill neighborhood. It is NOT in the Midtown District. Res Hill is in the Central police district, but I've also heard it called "West Baltimore" (but, I agree, never "Northwest Baltimore", which it most definitely is not).

    What is most odd about this murder is that other than that ONE SENTENCE in the Sun, in a story that was really about the new police commissioner and the declining murder rate, I have seen NOTHING about this murder anywhere, not on WBAL, not on WJZ, not even on this blog (this blog links to the one sentence mention in that Sun story). Of course the blog can only link to something if it actually exists. What is going on -- doesn't murder still rate at least a small story -- a parargraph or two?? I live in the neighborhood where this murder happened (one block up from it, in fact), and happened to walk by just 15 minutes or so after it appparently happened, but I still have not found out anythign other than the address and that it happened inside the house (in a hallway, I believe). Was it a burglary gone wrong? A pissed off drug dealer "collecting" from a client?? A angry husband killing his wife? An angry husband killing a man fooling around with his wife?? Who knows? Murders that occur indoors are generally easier to solve than outdoor ones, it's disconcerting that nothign has been written about this one other than that one sentence in that one Sun article.

    I missed the 11:00 news that night (last Friday 10/5), I wonder if it was even covered then?

  10. You're correct. Midtown extends as far north as North Avenue and this address is about two more blocks into Reservoir Hill.

  11. Great four down, one-thou to go. Take out all of the trash in Hampden, please!

  12. 396 to 1 sex offender rate in Baltimore? Well obviously that sex offender registry isn't helping much! Good point about a lot of 14 year-old mothers in Bmore. It's ridiculous, how young these kids start today...
    Also, what are all these Hampden crime stories popping up about? Hampden is one of the few places left in the city where we suburbanites feel safe to go (sadly).

  13. Hampden is VERY safe!
    There's like one murder a year!
    The biggest problem is those foul-mouthed petty-drug-dealing t-shirt kids. So having them get locked up is good news!

  14. From the police shooting:

    "The man the suspect whom the suspect was targeting is also facing charges."

    Oof. Sorry, WHO was facing charges again?
