Monday, October 8, 2007

Indigenous People's Day

Details of Saturday's murders: Damon Coleman, 35, was the victim shot at around 6 a.m. on the east side of the basketball court in a public housing project in the 1400 block of May Court.
The man shot in the back who died Saturday night on Homestead was identified as Darwin Kelly Jr., 20.

A man was pepper-sprayed and carjacked, police have no suspects.

Wow. Of the four robbers who held up Sgt. Christopher Nyberg in Federal Hill, only one will serve any time. Each had faced life sentences.

A man turned himself in to police in Parkville after kidnapping and "roughing up" his ex in North Point. No word on what happened to the children.

An inmate was stabbed to death at around noon in the city detention center.


  1. Technically, it's called Homestead Street, which runs from Better Waverly into CHM.

  2. re: the incident in front of the golden west last week, somebody i know is now claiming that his friend heard from a fireman that it actually was a homicide. personally, until i see it printed in a reputable (i use that term loosely to include the examiner and the sun and whatnot), i'm going to continue believing that this is bullshit.

  3. ahem, reputable news source. i got so wrapped up in parenthetically insulting our local papers of record that i forgot to finish my sentence.

  4. burgersub: What is this about Golden West? I live about a block away. Just curious. I saw firetrucks there about a week ago, what's the deal?

  5. Someone waited so long for service their ass fused to the chair & the fire department had to bring the jaws of life!

    Yuk, yuk. Seriously, on October 3 many people reported seeing firetrucks and blood in front of the restaurant, and a few have said that someone was taken away in an ambulance. But whatever happened was apparently not criminal, the police weren't involved.
    What actually happened we'll probably never know.

  6. No one understands about those four youths. They probably are only products of a bad environment and don't really deserve to be in jail anyway!

    If only exiling criminals to siberia were still a viable option.

  7. We could open labor camps in Alaska for especially nasty criminals. If we worked them hard enough they'd be too tired to cause trouble at the end of the day.

  8. Wouldn't that be polluting the habitat of an endangered species ???

  9. supposedly this "firefighter" said that somebody was shot in the head. like i said though, i don't buy it.

  10. We don't have to put them in the Alaska Wildlife Preserve or anything - just put them in alaska.

    Isn't alaska a rather wealthy state anyway? Rich people need work done too...

  11. Have you ever tried to 'work' an indigenous Baltimorean ? I've seen turnips with more motivation.

  12. This is a good time to not be falsely arrested in Baltimore City. People are dying to get out of central detention.

  13. Do you think the new commissioner will do anything different now that he's in charge? No, wait - he was in charge before being officially appointed, wasn't he?

    Better question: when will he get fired do you think?

  14. "This is a good time to not be falsely arrested in Baltimore City. People are dying to get out of central detention."

    Lost another one to Ditech...

  15. Darwin Kelly Jr was my first love still is. I miss him everyday and the police cant tell me anything and i dont even know his family so i dont know where he's body is buried. He always said that people should be given chances because they arent just products of there environments but he never thought that and even though he was killed he would give that person a second chance.

  16. To Monique,
    Hey how r u? Well, this was his fiance if you would like to know where he is buried I'll let you know. I'm assuming you were not at the funeral on the basis you don't know where he is burried, but trust I'm still mouring because no one is saying anything in regards to what happened.

  17. Darwin didn't have a finace let along could barely keep him with his realtionship with me who he was dating at the time of his death? If you know him so well tell me something about him??? I spoke to his father the day of his funeral

  18. I never saw your comments but I have to say if we were all in some type of relationship with him then thats fine. tigerbdatfem I talked to his father and I know where he's buried but thank you and to Pooh you are right my relationship wth him was nothing but empty promises at times. But I was with him a couple of hours before he passed and I hope that he looks upon all of us and smiles. It doesn't much matter what happened in the past I found the love of my life. I'm sad that I don't have my friend. Cherish the moments you had with him they are gone too fast. I can't remember his voice anymore, and I can't smell his scent but I cherish the time we had and I hope you all cherish it too.
