Tuesday, October 9, 2007

October 9

Scandalized headline Du Jour: "Policy calls for shooting victims' arrest"
... but the story goes on to explain, "If the victim was committing a crime when he was shot — such as carrying drugs, possessing a handgun, committing a robbery — parole officials seek a warrant from a judge for his arrest."
Well duh!

The man shot October 5 in the 2300 block of Eutaw Place was identified as 30-year-old Tyrone Blanding.

Joining the populous ranks of Carroll County's sex offenders is Deborah Frock, 38, charged with pimping a teenager to a trucker.

Paul Stella, a 43-year-old Baltimore funeral director, pleaded guilty today to defrauding people who signed up for prepaid funerals out of more than $900,000.

Thomas Walker, age 25, got 20 Rosenstein-years for robbing a van full of clothes with a shotgun (a Mossberg, Model 500A, 12-gauge shotgun, no less, "Intended for use in harsh and dirty conditions, such as waterfowl hunting or combat.")


  1. There's another update on the Zach Sowers website. It sounds like the hospital and his insurance company have basically written him off. Very sad.


    "After they take care of his bleeding problem, Zach will remain at Hopkins in their chronic care facility since Kernan and insurance both agree that Zach hasn't shown enough signs of improvement to remain in Kernan's rehab problem."

  2. Only in Baltimore could the category Crimes, excluding those involving a handgun be decriminalized.

  3. Here's a hypothetical legal question that the Zach Sowers story made me wonder about. Let's assume that the thugs who attacked him are convicted of attempted murder when they go to trial. If the worst ends up happening and he later dies (not trying to be pessimistic or morbid here, I hope I'm not offending anyone) as a result of his beating, could his attackers be retried for the crime, since at that point it would presumably become first degree murder?

  4. I don't remember the case off of the top of my head, but yes.

  5. No they could not be retried. It would be double jeopardy.

  6. Durham, I'm pretty sure that double jeopardy wouldn't be an issue since you're trying them for two different crimes.

  7. They can be re-trial but why would you if you got a guilty the first time around?

  8. Anonymous said...
    They can be re-trial but why would you if you got a guilty the first time around?

    Are you serious? Have you ever looked at a jury verdict or sentence ruling in Baltimore City??

  9. also, in the zach sowers case, the juvenile defendants have a hearing soon to petition the court to have them tried in juvie court instead of as adults. unimaginable.

  10. A Mossberg 500 is one sweet shotgun and totally inapporiate for armed robbery of a clothing van. What a dumb ass.

  11. "also, in the zach sowers case, the juvenile defendants have a hearing soon to petition the court to have them tried in juvie court"

    If that happens someone needs to form a lynch mob, head down to central booking and string those little thugs up from a lamppost.

  12. If you were to get a guilty on the top count then they would most likely get a life sentence given the nature of the injuries suffered by the victim. So if you got life and then he died you'd try him again to get the exact same sentence??? Makes no sense and wastes of resources. - Marc

  13. Marc:

    If they get life then I agree, retrying them would be a waste. This is Baltimore though, do you really believe that they will get life sentences?

  14. See State v. Baxter 329 Md. 290 and State v. Woodson 338 Md. 322

  15. I never thought I'd feel this way, but i pray every night that someone slits the throat of that smirking piece of shit Trayvon Ramos.

  16. When a hoodlum with a name like "Trayvon" is convicted of a crime part of his sentence should include a mandatory name change.

  17. I'm hoping the new name is "The late" Trayvon Ramos

  18. Rest assured that if the Baltimore City justice system fails Zach Sowers and his family, there will be serious repurcussions, and a HUGE hemmorhage of young professionals from this city.

    And I hope they electrocute the animals that did this, though I have very little faith that anything approximating justice will be served here.

  19. "Rest assured that if the Baltimore City justice system fails Zach Sowers and his family, there will be serious repurcussions, and a HUGE hemmorhage of young professionals from this city."

    I doubt it. Far too many people in this city are so goddamned ignorant and apathetic. Do you really think that people who don't care enough to get their asses to the polls on election day will leave the city because of one trial verdict? Your typical Canton or Fed Hill inhabitant probably doesn't even know the name of our mayor, it's truly pathetic.

  20. I also hate the assholes that have said basically we should shut up about Zach Sowers because we were never outraged when someone poor and/or African American is killed. Well guess what douchebags, I AM outraged, it's just that it took the Sowers family to apply their intelligence, focus and dedication to rally support for Zach and expose the festering shit hole of Baltimore to the normal world.

  21. Someone should do a poll of one hundred Baltimore "young professionals" as anon called them, and see how many of them even know who our state's attorney is, or the fact that she is elected every four years. I'd bet that not even 10% would know. That kind of apathy almost makes me wish they'd get mugged. Not physically harmed mind you, I'm not that mean, I just think that having their wallets taken by a hoodlum might convince them to actually care about who runs the city they live in.

  22. 2010 is coming.

    Who is going to run?

    $200k+ a year isn't a bad salary.

  23. Yeah, $200k isn't bad, AND of course you can also put the rest of your family members and close friends on the city payroll.

    Personally, I think we should recruit some top city official from Singapore to come in and run the city for a few years. More caning! More caning!

  24. I have seen verdicts in Baltimore with Life sentences. I have tried the cases that got the Life sentence. You guys need to go to court and watch a trial. If you get a guilty at trial the defendant will be banged. You are forgetting the difference between taking a PLEA vs. going to TRIAL. - Marc

  25. Marc:

    I assume from your last post that you are an ASA. If that's the case then thank you for the work you do, and I wish you the best of luck putting hoodlums away for a long, long time.

  26. if martin o'malley and sheila dixon want to put gps bracelets on "juvenile delinquents" they need to add a taser device that can shock the nuts off a bull when they go to kick the life out of innocent people like zach sowers
