Wednesday, October 3, 2007


WMAR has video of Stephen Gayer being taken away by the Feds while neighbors jeer. ("We're not clear yet why the FBI was involved with this arrest." That's because taking lurid pictures of naked little girls is a federal crime, Jenny!)

And yesterday, Matthew Justin Perry, 28, of Edgewood, Maryland, pled guilty to receipt of child pornography. Roddy J. locks perverts away!

..and smack dealers! Javon Brewer, age 26, got 198 months for peddling "Chocolate City" and "Hypnotic" brands.

NYT: "For Baltimore, Housing Slump Slows a Revival"


  1. I'm no fan of George Bush, but he sure did give us a good US Attorney.

  2. Yeah, I should have been more clear and said US Attorney for MD.

  3. Looks like Fred Bealefeld is nominated to be our permanent (whatever that means in this town) Police Commissioner.

    Now go out and hire those officers !

  4. Ooh. A festival in Leakin Park.

    Do you think they'll have an Easter egg hunt for pastel-colored corpses ?

  5. And Broadwater reports on a chaotic month and one criminologist's less than optimistic prognosis.
