Monday, November 19, 2007

November 19

At a hearing today David Robinson, 35, of the 4000 block of 34th St., pled guilty to attempted armed robbery and use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence. Judge M. Brooke Murdock sentenced Robinson to 15 years in prison, the first five of which must be served without parole. Details:
On April 5, 2007 at 1:45AM at Fantasies Nightclub Robinson’s co-conspirators Alexander Reiff and Gregory Eaton allegedly entered the club armed with a 9 mm Ruger handgun and a 12-gauge shotgun, announced a robbery, and ordered approximately 20 patrons and employees to the ground. Eaton then discharged the shotgun into the ceiling. Two off-duty police officers removed their service weapons and shot Reiff and Eaton. Eaton succumbed to his injuries shortly after being transported to Shock Trauma. Reiff also was shot but survived his injuries as he was wearing a bullet proof vest. His trial is scheduled for January 28, 2008.

Robinson was outside the club in a getaway Ford pick-up truck that they had stolen in Hyattsville earlier that night. Robinson fled the club and the abandoned truck was found near a relative’s house in Glen Burnie.

At a hearing today, Judge John M. Prevas sentenced Mark Lee Johnson, 26, of the 2600 block of Quantico Avenue, to 50 years in prison following a guilty verdict of second-degree murder and handgun counts. Details:
A Baltimore City jury convicted Johnson September 28, 2007 of second degree murder, attempted second degree murder and use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence. Judge Prevas sentenced Johnson to 30 years for the second degree murder count, 20 years, consecutive, for the handgun count and a concurrent 20 year prison term for the attempted murder count.

On January 22, 2006 at approximately 3:30 PM in the 3300 block of West Belvedere Avenue, Johnson approached Antwoine Armstead, 21, and Andre Gibbs, 22 as they were getting into a parked car. Johnson walked to the passenger side of the car and shot Armstead multiple times. Gibbs ran from the car and Johnson shot at him as he ran across West Belvedere Avenue. Armstead suffered seven gunshot wounds and was taken to Sinai hospital where he died a short time later.

Assistant State’s Attorney Joshua Felsen of the Homicide Division prosecuted this case.
"Baltimore Ranks 12[th] On Dangerous Cities List"
Only 12th?!

Police have arrested Lewis K. Lucas for the murder of Lawrence D. Jones, 17.
"In 2003, Lucas pleaded guilty to attempted murder and illegal use of a handgun. His 20-year sentence was suspended, and he was placed on probation."

Thwap! Zap! "An hours-long standoff with a man in Southeast Baltimore ended this morning when police subdued him using a bean-bag gun and a Taser, city police said."

Blotter: A man was shot about 8:35 p.m. yesterday in the 1400 block of Pennsylvania Ave. and was taken to Maryland Shock Trauma Center. Police said the victim was not cooperating and that details were not available.
Also a Paca St. robbery, and two 17-year-old girls robbed and stabbed a classmate with a steak knife at the Owings Mills light rail station.

A Bealefeld interview:
"We can't [attack the drug problem] and give burglars and car thieves and robbers a pass."
"this really is ground zero for stop snitching."
"The state's attorney's office, this is where we want to devote our energy."

Olesker's holding a pity party for the Bromwells, and everyone's invited!

The City Council will soon vote on legalizing feral cat colonies.


  1. Stupid hippies held an capital punishment protest outside of Supermax. Rather ironic, since Maryland practically doesn't have a death penalty.

  2. Bealefeld needs to take a Constitutional Law refresher course:

    "Police "stop and frisk" strategy, a tactic now curtailed after complaints it led to illegal detentions and thousands of unnecessary arrests that were never prosecuted: I want officers to engage people. You can't say, "I want you to increase stop and frisks," because stop and frisk is based on probable cause...."

  3. An arrest in the November 2nd murder that took place on O'Donnell Heights. Here's something shocking about the suspect:

    "In 2003, Lucas pleaded guilty to attempted murder and illegal use of a handgun. His 20-year sentence was suspended, and he was placed on probation."

    Probation. For attempted murder. Un-fucking-believable. You know in some places trying to kill someone is a serious crime!

  4. I believe it... I can't seem to pull up your Lucas link though!

  5. On my way to work today I grabbed a Metro (New York version)daily newspaper and read a story inside detailing the recent study by CQ Press. A study of what? Of the most dangerous cities in America. Detroit was #1, followed by STL, Flint, Michigan, Oakland, California, and Camden, New Jersey to round out the top 5. Baltimore? Didn't even appear in the article. While I know these "studies" are a dime a dozen, the responses from the mayors of these cities was hilarious. If only Sheila had the chance for a quote. Check the online version at:

  6. damn, my comment was bested as soon as i posted it. sorry for the duplicate reference.

  7. Sorry for the bad link. Here is the correct version.

  8. While I dont condone taking care of feral cats, I rescued one myself, cats will not tend to go after rats. They prefer easier prey like songbirds and other small mammals like mice and moles. Feral cats are the leading cause for declining songbird populations in the US. I am a cat lover but introducing non native species to control something is never a good idea.

  9. Baltimore still ranks second for most murderous cities according to forbes.

  10. Anonymous re: Bealefeld: I'm guessing his point is that he doesn't want officers increasing their arrest rates by stopping and frisking people where there is no suspicion whatsoever (other than being black and living in Baltimore).

    Mr. Bealefeld's remarks were refreshing and insightful.

  11. re: earlier comment.

    I would certainly support curbing illegal and unconstitutional stops and arrests. I just merely found it troubling that the Chief of Police, based on this one statement, doesn't know the difference between a stop & frisk and a search incident to arrest, and the underlying level of knowledge required for each.

  12. why would he know the difference between the two? u r talking about a command member after all.

  13. The problem for me is not the theory of "stop and frisk" it is the foot soliders who carry it out. Probable cause? They should put a fill in circle on the police report labeled "BnB"- Black in Baltimore.

    Cats may not go after rats, but their scent does scare them off. I'm in the NE where the rats are only small rabbit sized, but as soon as a couple of feral cats moved into the neighborhood the rats got the hell out one way or another. And I think the part that cracks me up is that they are issuing fines to these folks who are trying to curb the issues (feeding them instead of turned over trash and getting them fixed) BUT are getting fined. Yet you can see things like dogs in plain view not treated properly under the law or even some dogs that have many more scars on them then accidents would allow... maybe the meter maid run rampant splits their days at Animal Control....

  14. Saucers full of anti-freeze and rat poisoned ground meat really takes care of the feral cat population (or so I hear).

  15. We don't seem to have very many stray cats in Fells Point. I don't think I want to know where some of those sketchy Mexican restaurants get their meat...

  16. My point...

    Stop & Frisk does not require probable cause, merely reasonable articulated suspicion.
