Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November 27

Shezis! "Police were seeking a man who robbed a Texaco station in the 2600 block of Gwynns Falls Parkway shortly before midnight Saturday after pouring gasoline on the attendant and threatening to ignite it."
As 'non points out, this is the same Texaco where 18-year-old Himank Karki was shot to death three months ago.

"Two people, one a teenage boy, were shot last night by a man who entered the Dr. Carter G. Woodson Recreation Center in the 2500 block of Seabury Road in Cherry Hill and opened fire as several youths played basketball, police said." Both victims are expected to survive.

The family of Gerard Mungo Jr., the seven-year-old arrested for sitting on a dirtbike, is suing the city for $40 million.

More on the horrid Pumphrey family quadruple-murder/suicide-- apparently the parents were engaged in an acrimonious custody dispute and, unshockingly, dad sounds like a real a-hole.

W. David Stoffregen, the construction executive who paid then-Maryland state Sen. Thomas L. Bromwell more than $190,000 for his influence, and later agreed to testify against him in a public corruption case, was sentenced in federal court yesterday to 6 1/2 years in prison.

Luke Broadwater has a chat with future judge Rod J. Rosenstein.
QTD: "Mysterious suicides are often very strange."

ps. to Shayne-- the mom who egged on Megan Meier's suicide was id'd by the Smoking Gun as one Lori Drew. And look, the police report has her address, so you can mail her a dog turd!


  1. $40 million over that stupid arrest? Any lawyer who has the nerve to file such a frivolous suit deserves to be flogged.

  2. Was that the same gas station where the attendant was murdered a few months back?

    There are two over there, but I think that's the same one.

  3. Maybe A. Dwight Pettit also had a gunshot victim crash through his back wall and die in his pool. Do you know how much it costs to clean blood out of a swimming pool? These poor attorneys deserve our money and support, not public floggings.

  4. That would be A. Dwight Pettit, yep.

    But fear not, because the city will become much safer after we build more recreation centers for more people to be shot in.

  5. ... and plant trees for us to get mugged under!

    ps. Warren Brown was the atty. with the guy in the pool!

  6. re: Lori Drew-- I've not only seen her address spelled out all over the www, but her personal cell phone number, her business' address, and all her clients' addresses as well. Cyber-payback's a bitch.
    Also David Brockdorff sounds like the biggest douchebag in human history. If only the wife had stuck to the original plan of only meeting him where cameras were present.

  7. There's a new update on the Zach Sowers website.
