Wednesday, November 28, 2007

November 28

Police don't know why one guy stabbed another guy at about 2 o'clock this morning at Roland and 36th streets in Hampden.

The death of 2-year-old Bryanna Harris of the 1700 block of E. 25th St on June 5 is being investigated as a homicide, the Ink reports that her death was caused by combination of methadone intoxication and blunt-force trauma.

Also ruled a homicide was the death of Martay Powell, 22, shot in the head following a struggle with his girlfriend. The Ink also adds Robert Gray, "a 36-year-old African-American man from Jacksonville, Fla., was found lying in the street in the 1000 block of Boyd Street near Hollins Market. He had been shot repeatedly in the head, back, legs, and butt. He died at Maryland Shock Trauma Center less than an hour later."

Loony homicidal pervert alert! [Michael "Martin, 46, of Lutherville, is charged with trying to hire an inmate in the Baltimore County jail to kill the prosecutor who handled a 2005 sex-abuse case against him, injure another prosecutor, break the knees of a police detective and set fire to the home of an elderly woman who had told people at Martin's church about the abuse case."

Robbery, burglary and screwy formatting in the Blotter.

WTF?! "Bats, knives used in Harford melee involving up to 50 people"

WTF?! in in MoCo: "A former firefighter accused of fatally beating his girlfriend's ex-husband in 1993 and then setting the man's Montgomery County house on fire to cover up the crime pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter yesterday and was sentenced to no jail time beyond the seven months he served while awaiting trial." Defense attorneys called the prosecutors' plea offer "extraordinarily generous." No kidding!

About 160 tombstones were overturned at the B'nai Israel Cemetery on Southern Avenue.

Headline of the Day: "Residents Oppose Condemning Sagging Pants"

Web diversions: the site "Death by Booze" can help you determine how much hooch it'll take to souse yourself to death. (Thanks Vic)


  1. I've been looking all over the place for mention of QRT (Quick Response Team -- Baltimore's version of SWAT) being called out to the 2000 block of Druid Park Drive on Saturday evening (the 24th), but I can't find anything.

    Evidently they thought someone had barricaded themselves in the house, but after QRT took the door everyone disappeared pretty quickly. I'm wondering if the house was empty.
