Thursday, November 29, 2007

November 29

A shooting at the Clifton Avenue Rent-A-Center was caught on tape, above.

An unidentified 26-year-old man was shot twice in the back and once in the left shoulder last night while riding a bicycle across Orleans Street in East Baltimore.

Another robbery that used gasoline as a threat.

Homicides are down by 50 percent in Cherry Hill.

In HarfCo, police have arrested the 31-year-old mother of a 16-year-old girl who is charged with attempted murder as part of the 50-person brawl in Edgewood that paralyzed a man. Said the mom, "she's in jail for something she didn't do ... There was a million people there ... How could they pinpoint four little girls? The police needed somebody, so they grabbed them." Sob! Fox reports that the "four little girls" (who are being charged as adults) were in a gang called "WMD"-- "World's Most Dangerous."
WJZ has video of the mom being hauled off to jail, and grandma working her potty mouth.
... on Fox last night a "guy on the street" commented that Edgewood has had problems since people were relocated there from the Murphy Homes (the West Side public housing project imploded in 1999).

In the county, jurors heard a jailhouse tape of Michael B. Martin, the alleged perv who allegedly wanted to kill a prosecutor, a developer and an old lady.

The UTech scandal isn't over yet! The state has raided the offices of Doracon Contracting, the company that subcontracted Dixon's sister's company to do city work.


  1. I'd also heard that part of the reason that the Northeastern District has seen a spike in crime is that a lof of people from the old high-rise projects had been moved there. Is there any truth to that?

  2. I loved the Murphy Homes theorist, but my fave person on the news last night was the Edgewood woman who had been harrassed by the girl gang before, and decided to move back into inner city Baltimore where, by comparison, "it's safer".

  3. yes, ppatin, that is partly true.

    However, the exodus happened in the mid 90's. The area directly north of Patterson Park gained about 500 section 8 vouchers in a very short time. Anytime you have that much poverty in such a high concentration you are going to have problems.

    Thankfully, the area is has been recovering gradually since ~2000 (modulo an occasional crime horror story).

  4. Murders down 50% in Cherry Hill?
    Are they all dead
