Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Robber/ Carjacker Gets 35 Years

Judge Wanda K. Heard sentenced Aaron White, 21, of the 800 block of North Curley Street, to 35 years in prison-- 23 years for armed carjacking and 12 years for armed robbery -- ordered that the sentences run consecutively. A Baltimore City jury convicted White October 22, 2007 of armed carjacking, armed robbery and several other counts. Details from the SA's office:
On July 31, 2006 the victim, Anthony Carpinello, of New York City, was in the 1800 block of Ashburton Street, traveling from one work site to another. Mr. Carpinello is the president of a construction company working on a $22 million city contract to repair/install underground sewer lines near Liberty Heights Blvd. He became involved in minor traffic dispute and offered the other driver $100 to resolve the dispute, which satisfied the driver who then drove off. White witnessed this exchange and approached Mr. Carpinello, displaying a handgun White demanded the money he had seen in Mr. Carpinello’s hand, so Mr. Carpinello handed over in excess of $4,000 cash. As Mr. Carpinello began to close the driver’s side door, White kept the gun pointed at his head and said “no, I’m taking that, too.” White then drove off in the vehicle, a 2006 Range Rover.

Baltimore County officers found the vehicle the next morning at the Regal Motel, located at 8005 Pulaski Highway. Regional Auto Theft Task Force members conducted surveillance on the vehicle for about an hour, at which time White attempted to enter the vehicle and was then arrested. Recovered from White and the vehicle were the victim’s two cell phones, more than $1600 in cash and the victim’s wallet.
Assistant State's Attorney Michael Leedy, of the General Trial Division, prosecuted this case.


  1. Doesn't the location of this troubled City judge's home in A.A. County create a problem for his eligibility to sit here ??

  2. Yes, but no - keep in mind that Catherine Curran O'Malley resides in annapolis yet, remarkably, remains a baltimore district court judge...

  3. Ashburton, a Range Rover, and $4000 in cash... I thought rich people didn't carry cash? Rob a rich guy and you'll get an ATM or credit card... but cash?

    Sounds fishy to me...

  4. Not that fishy. Besides, if the bucked-up victim were up to no good, he would have had a gun of his own-- and a shootout would have been the result.
