Saturday, November 10, 2007


Fox reports that police are investigating a murder in the 2600 Block of East Grogan Street (which doesn't exist).
Belinda Brown
City police are looking for Belinda Brown, a 34-year-old grandmother (?!) who kidnapped 2-year-old Antonio Brown from Hopkins Hospital.

The price of cocaine has gone up 44 percent and methamphetamine is up 58 percent since January due to an increase in enforcement here and abroad.

MD State police documents: Hispanic men = macho, knife-toting drunks

The Department of Corrections is fighting rumors that murdered Officer David McGuinn had been the target of death threats and had been transferred away from the housing units as a result, but was then returned to the housing-unit assignment, where he was killed.
("Great moogly ooglies"?!)

What the ... ?! Crazed Annapolitan Shannika Douglas allegedly spit at children, chased them with a kitchen knife and then tried to run them down with her car (cue cuckoo-clock sound effect).

The man found in a house in the NW Thursday was identified as Leonard Hunt, 44, of Lumberton, North Carolina.

The family and friends of Ralph "Redz" Simmont, shot October 29 by an officer "took to the streets" this weekend.

Officials: "H. West" wrote as many as 10,000 fake tickets.

A prison guard in Cumberland has pleaded guilty to buttlegging.

PJD: Kent Eugene Turnbaugh, 55, who pleaded guilty yesterday in federal court to distributing child pornography and attempting to "entice a minor [a 13-year-old girl from Alabama] to engage in sexual activity."

Post: "Montgomery County appears poised to join the ranks of 13 states and the District this week by passing broad protections for transgender individuals in housing and employment. But when the County Council takes up the issue for a vote Tuesday it will not include a controversial reference to their use of public restrooms, something opponents equated to indecent exposure."
(Wow, they make units that can pee in a urinal now?!)

RIP Norman Mailer! If you haven't read "The Executioner's Song," (the one about Gary Gilmore) you really should.
Update: this bio is better


  1. 13? I'm surprised that isn't legal in Alabama.

  2. Is there a means of policing lawless Baltimore from the outside?

    The John Warner Defense Authorization Act: a $532-billion catchall bill for defense spending.

    Tucked away in the deeper recesses of that act, Section 1076 allows the president to declare a public emergency and dispatch federal troops to take over National Guard units and local police if he determines them unfit for maintaining order. This is essentially a revival of the Insurrection Act, which was repealed by Congress in 1878, when it passed the Posse Comitatus Act to bar Northern troops from supervising Southern elections after Reconstruction. That act reinforced the idea that the federal government should patrol the nation's borders and let the states take care of their own territories.

    The Warner act defines a public emergency as a "natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition in any state or possession of the United States" and extends its provisions to any place where "the president determines that domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the constituted authorities of the state or possession are incapable of maintaining public order." On top of that, federal troops can be dispatched to "suppress, in a state, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination or conspiracy."

  3. If prices go up won't crime also escalate?

    I believe somewhere around 60-80% of drug addicts work full time, (as well as take advantage of situations for additional income), but the crack down is helping who if drugs are still available with only a price increase?

    The police crack down the problem will go away? I don't think so.

    (Ha ha ha...did O'Malley put a tax on drugs, too?)


  4. Oh Stop! Crackheads which are the low number of users in this region could always switch to heroin which is flooding the market and lowering prices.

    Hey! That article about Hispanics being knife fiends is true but it has to do with the type of instrument (machete) used most often for work, generally cultivation of some sort, in southern border countries. People will use what is most familiar and handy, you know. ;)

    I don't find it offensive or bigoted. Besides, most people would cut you quicker than they would shoot you.

  5. A grandmother at 34 with "no fixed address." Wonderful. Some people need to be banned from breeding.

  6. As to the 34 year old grandmother... "John's Hopkins?"

    Only the largest private employer in Maryland and one of the few bright spots in the city... Johns Hopkins, people, Johns Hopkins...
