Tuesday, December 11, 2007

25 Years for Murderer of 15-Year-Old Travis Harris

In a hearing today before Judge Roger W. Brown, Mathaddues Rozier, 26, of the 400 block of North Kenwood Ave., pleaded guilty to one count of second-degree murder and was sentenced to 25 years in prison. Rozier admitted to killing Travis Harris, 15, in the 500 block of North Glover Street on December 27, 2005. Harris was shot once in the forehead at point blank range 10 minutes after the murder of Rozier’s father, Alvester Rozier, 79.

Prosecutors entered a nol pros in the murder case against Mathaddues Rozier charging him with the murder of his father, citing evidentiary issues that would prevent the case from proceeding to trial. Although the murders were linked by ballistics evidence from the crime scenes, the murder weapon was never found and there were no witnesses to the murder of Alvester Rozier, other than a small child that was in his care.

The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Rozier February 6, 2006 for two counts of first-degree murder.

Assistant State’s Attorney Robyne Szokoly prosecuted the case.


  1. Looks like Rozier got a nice 2-for-1 deal on those murders. Guess the SA is in getting into the "giving" spirit around these holiday times.

  2. What is that suspose to be funny..well its not

  3. Yeah ...that's not funny at all
