Friday, December 14, 2007

December 14

A man was shot in the back last night in the 500 block of North Bouldin Street, condition unknown.

A city jury yesterday convicted Raymond Handy of first-degree murder in the drug-related killing of Mark C. Jones in May 2005.

Concerned that rogue bail bondsmen are making a “mockery” of the bail bond system, Mrs. Jessamy is asking the state for new laws to regulate the industry.

CJCC: Let's free the junkies

Lawsuit: Aurora Organic Dairy = a sham


  1. The Sun finally noticed the Brooklyn bus attack (while getting the addresses wrong):

    Greene said a group of four to six black males boarded the bus at 11:57 p.m. Monday at Sixth and Hanover streets in Brooklyn. She said the group began acting "rowdy" toward other passengers - both black and white.

    Eventually, the group exchanged words with two other passengers, Patrick Green and Robert Rothe, two white men from Baltimore, and later assaulted them, the spokeswoman said.

    I'm pretty sure they meant "6th and Patapsco Streets" - a couple hundred feet from my doorstep.

    There's also an editorial, which downplays the hate crime angle of the recent bus attacks while making idiotic comparisons to segregation:

    So should ordinary transit users be spared the company of teenagers just released for the day? The MTA argues that young people can't be treated differently, or held to different standards, and we agree. Segregated buses (and we use that term mindfully) tell students that they are not accepted as members of society. Some among them will act accordingly.

    So all the other towns and counties in America that have both school buses and mass transit are practicing segregation? Somebody alert the NAACP!

  2. I suppose it would be asking too much of The Sun to publish the photos of the 5 black males "wanted for questioning" in connection with the assault? At least the Examiner published one of them.

    Another quote from the editorial:

    That there are so few criminal incidents on them [city buses]is a good reflection on Baltimore.

    Ah yes, I can feel the warm glow of Baltimore all around me now!

  3. The Sun hasn't published photos of the suspects? Seriously?!
    And yes indeed 6th and Hanover doesn't exist. Which took less than a minute to check with good old Google maps.

    Wow, that is one scatterbrained, feeble-minded and offensive editorial! "Back of the Bus"?!
    No wonder no one had the 'nads to sign their name to it.

    So (speaking of nads) when the "harmless woman" (who'd been arrested for assault and whose own mom had a restraining order against her) was attacked, the Sun ran five stories about it. Now that it's guys, let's see what fraction of the paper's attention they get.

  4. There are pictures here (under 'Related links'), but they are of much lower quality than the ones shown on WBAL.
