Wednesday, December 12, 2007

No Murders!

The Ink confirms it!
Before last night's shooting, Baltimore went nine days without a murder!
That may well be the longest stretch in decades.
Somebody's doing something right!
Who/what do you think it is?


  1. Or the city is progressing towards a state of maturity not ever seen before...

    ...on second thought, maybe it's just been too cold and snowy for killing.

  2. im sure they are just dumping the bodies in abandoned rowhomes and boarding them back up, a la the wire.

  3. "Somebody's doing something right! Who/what do you think it is?"

    The surgeons at Shock Trauma?

  4. High ammunition prices as a result of the war in Iraq?

  5. "Somebody's doing something right! Who/what do you think it is?"

    The surgeons at Shock Trauma?

    Don't forget Hopkins

  6. We've reached the tipping point: all the murderers have killed all of the other murderers! No one is left!

  7. Don't worry, our school system will soon replenish the supply.

    It is weird how much quieter the second half of the year has been though, with the way things were going early on in '07 I was expecting at least 325 by the end of the year.

  8. I'm guessing it may be the temporary lull from the call-ins this Spring. They tend to work that way: a calming effect up front followed by the realization that the police haven't the resources to make good on the threat in the long run.

    I don't think it has anything to do with efforts to get guns off the street. They're still cheap and in plentiful supply.

  9. Did anyone read Gregory Kane's column on the Zach Sowers case? Some of the things we're hearing from the SA's office don't make sense.

    ""Everybody's still afraid of the jury saying 'not guilty,'" Anna Sowers lamented. "I was told the likelihood of a jury finding Ramos guilty of attempted first-degree murder was zero and about 5 percent of finding him guilty of attempted second-degree murder." She said she felt Assistant State's Attorneys Jennifer Sites and Angela Worthy did a good job and understands why they went for a plea bargain."

    Sorry, but this wreaks of bullshit. If they honestly believed that they had no chance of convicting Ramos of first-degree attempted murder then why didn't Ramos's lawyers insist on going to trial? I can understand if the case was weak before they pled out the other three, but I can't imagine an arrogant thug like Trayvon Ramos agreeing to spend over twenty years in prison unless he really feared a conviction and a life sentence.

  10. I'm not really familiar enough with the facts of this case, or the other cases that were pending against these hoodrats (i love how they all agreed to SNITCH against their boy!!), but didn't one or a few of them take pleas in their other open cases? Perhaps those pleas were made in conjunction with a deal on this charge, the specifics of which might not be known. Again, this is speculation...

  11. Anna Sowers has been trying to get in front of the powers that be in the city and state, but they seem to keep on blowing her off? I think the break in murders is pure luck, or maybe just the weather. Bmore is just as dangerous and scary as it was 10 days ago.

  12. The statements from the SA's office really don't make sense to me either. With the testimony of the three others assured, and at least some physical evidence and priors, this would appear to be one of those "rare" cases that should have in fact gone to a jury. The plea deal for Ramos with a higher then "Guideline" sentence only provides more evidence of that fact.

  13. The SA's comments do, however, help one to understand just why this town is such a god-forsaken sh!thole: attempted murder is not a problem. It's allowed behavior.

    That places us on one of the lower rungs of the evolutionary ladder, below most other third world societies.

    Oh, and in case you were wondering just how many hoodlums are now calling Baltimore home, see this back of the envelope calculation of a (shockingly high) conservative lower bound.

  14. i guess we aren't getting to 300 this sad......

  15. December is usually heavy with murders, so we can't blame the cold weather. (I'm too tired to check official stats, so I'm going off of memory on December numbers.)

    Likewise, there's been a downturn in shootings, so as much as I'd like to credit the mad skills of the JHH/Shock Trauma surgeons, I don't think they get the award this time. Nope... it's something else.

    If Sheila D. ends up being a good mayor, I will go sit on the steps of city hall and eat every disparaging word I have said about her. And believe me, that's a helluva lot of words.
