Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Teenagers Attack Woman on Bus

WtFingF? Nine evil 14 and 15-year-olds from Robert Poole Middle School "attacked and seriously injured [26-year-old Sarah Kreager] after they tried to prevent her from finding a seat on the bus." After beating her on the bus, they dragged her off the bus at 33rd street* and beat her some more.
The perps were all arrested and charged as juveniles, and "It was not immediately clear today if the suspects remained in custody at the juvenile detention center or if they had been released to their parents."
*Fox reports they dragged her off at W. 33rd and Chestnut Streets in Hampden

An 18-year-old and a 15-year-old boy were each stabbed about 9:30 p.m. Monday during "an incident" in the 1300 block of Myrtle Ave.

The Ink reports on murder victims from November 26 to December 2: Michael Crowder, Quentin Reddick-Flowers, Tywonde Jones, Eugenio Harrison, and Lonnie Foote, a man beaten by a tree branch October 27.

An officer shot a man suspected of robbing the Burger King on Eastern Avenue.

The Sun details how Baltimore city, with the help of AAC and the county, managed to lose crazed Metro-stop rapist Eugene Waller.

In Carroll Co, one Mary Gates was arrested for trying to hire a state trooper to kill her husband

In HarfCo officers are looking for a suspect who fired a shot in a gas station.

In MoCo, Ruth Sendejas, 18, was arrested for killing her two-year-old son Giovanni. She told police they'd been the victims of a home invasion.

The county driving instructor featured in 'Borat' is suing Twentieth Century Fox and Sacha Baron Cohen.


  1. Wanna bet Mary Pat Clarke will tell us we shouldn't be riding the buses in the first place?

  2. Wow. Pure savagery.

    I've never been attacked on the bus, but I did have rocks thrown at me while waiting on the bus. That's what I get for reading at a bus stop, I guess.

  3. I wonder who convinced that guy to sue? He was interviewed on a couple news channels after the movie came out and seemed mildly amused by it all. AND he was one of the few people who came out looking good in the film.

  4. Wow. Absolutely unFing BELIEVEable.

    And with that, my opinion on the death penalty for juveniles has done a 180' turn.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Citizen Alert!-- Mary Pat Clarke is advising everyone to avoid buses, as they are noisy and may contain people who do not live in the 14th District. To help combat this problem, MPC will introduce a bill at next month's Council hearing banning buses north of 29th St. That ban of course will also conveniently include the Hopkins shuttle buses, which are known to carry Hopkins students attempting to avoid being assaulted and robbed while walking in Charles Village. And walking off campus is another big NO-NO (already addressed by a prior MPC Citizen Alert), so don't even think about trying to do that!

  7. The CV bus assault really is disgusting. How about letting city bus drivers carry guns? I'm sure they probably encounter more criminals every day then a police officer does. Or maybe just replace the bus drivers with police officers? Might even been less expensive that way. But regardless, I wish someone was armed so they could have shot those fuckers between the eyes. And if this was a full bus (as it seems), no one else noticed them beating her up and dragging her off the bus?? WTF?

  8. I kinda wish I knew the race of the parties involved so I'd know how to react. If the perpetrators were black, we need to get on our "Free the Charles Village 9" rally. And if they were white, I DEMAND they be tried for hate crimes!

  9. Rob: I think it was probably the #22 bus, since it runs between Hampden and C.V. (40th to University to 33rd on the way to E. Baltimore).

  10. My understanding is that the students are bussed into Robert Poole Middle, because they were kicked out of other schools (correct me if I'm wrong). According to a Hampden local I spoke to, these kids have been causing trouble in the neighborhood (assaults, theft, etc.), but complaints to police have fallen on deaf ears.

  11. The guy who robbed BK was shot on Gough St, 1900 Block, half a block from my house. Gossip is he "Looked dead" and the EMT's were in no hurry to get him on the stretcher or rush to hospital.

  12. BCPD manpower remains inadequate as admitted by city leaders as they continue to focus on problem things instead of problem people.

    And it shows in the northern crime log. A carjacking/shooting in Guilford and endless home break-ins.

  13. And nobody on the bus did anything to help that poor woman? WTF??

  14. That's weird about the bus... first it was reported as W. 33rd street, which doesn't exist, now it's a bus line that doesn't go to that place.
    Word on the street is the "kids" were supposed to have a hearing this afternoon but who knows if it happened.

  15. I wish there was something about this on the teevee news, but no, it's all WHITE DEATH '07!

  16. 'kids' = diminutive barbarians ???

    A pillory on E. 33rd Sreet would be quite decorative.

  17. Fox is reporting it happened at W. 33rd and Chestnut St. in Hampden (which would be the 800 block of w. 33rd).

  18. why aren't they being charged as adults????! jeez, i'm so sick of this.

  19. MTA bus driver should have ejected evil kids from the bus when they started to harrass the female passenger. Why wait around for disaster, and call for help after the fact?
    I smell a totally justifiable lawsuit.

  20. Hey, go easy on those kids! After all, it's not like they left a noose on the bus or anything. Which we all know is a heinous hate crime. Unless they were black, in which case, ya know, harmless prank.

  21. Well the state could ask for them to be tried as adults-- I think that is up to one Patricia Jessamy.
    I'm really not a letter-writer or a phone-caller but I she'll be getting both from me...

    (410) 396-4987; fax: (410 539-5215

    If they're charged as juveniles we (the citizens) don't get to know if they're in jail, out on the streets, even what their names are, to protect their privacy.

  22. We have a bigger problem: the Board of Estimate has apparently voted to strike the prohibition against hiring convicted criminals for City positions.

    They would then present city ID and ask you to open your door ?

    No. No. No.

  23. the poor woman is in shock trauma and these "kids" were released home to their parents?? so they can terrorize other people, on the bus, in their neighborhoods or wherever else they can find victims to bully and beat to critical condition. they're not "kids" they're monsters. lock 'em up for 20 years and give them some shock therapy or something for their sociopathic brains.

  24. Here's the excuse from one of the kids' parents:

    But the mother of one of the suspects says the victim, for an unknown reason, provoked the attack by spitting in the face of one of the girls. Beverly Bell, whose son is an eighth-grader at Robert Poole, said the victim's boyfriend then pulled out a knife and threatened the girls, which prompted the boys to attack the man.

    Sounds likely enough.

  25. You can't charge the 15yr olds as adults unless they killed someone. 14 can't be charged as adults at all. So...

  26. No. No. No.

    There's a difference between common sense and discrimination.

  27. The 15-year-old who beat Zach Sowers into a coma was charged as an adult (Sowers is still alive)

  28. If I'm reading this right, MD can prosecute a juvenile as an adult for any offense-- even a nonviolent one-- with no lower age restriction. A juvenile judge just has to waive jurisdiction, or the state can request that a criminal court judge waive jurisdiction.
    (Correct me if I'm wrong here lawyers)

    One thing all of the evil juveniles seem to have in common-- parents that excuse their behavior no matter how effed up and sociopathic it is!

  29. Somebody made a point on the Examier comments section. What are 15 year olds doing in middle school?

    Also, when is Doc Chatam going to denouce this heinous act?

  30. No, it's like I said before. Cheatham will only denounce the act if it's discovered that the cowardly wicked woman displayed a noose. Or, ya know, a piece of rope or something. THEN he'll lay into her. And the MTA for being racist.

  31. Hey yeah, no kidding! At 15 you should be a sophomore in high school! Criminy-- somebody would have to be a seriously bad-news student to get held back at least twice in the city public schools!

  32. Well, at this amazine middle school, 57.8% of the students were absent more than 20 days in 2004-05. So...

  33. W. 33rd St. DOES exist, in Hampden, and the 27 bus line (where the attack occurred) does travel along W. 33rd St. between Chestnut Ave. and Remington Ave... That's three blocks from my house...

  34. The Sun story says "East 33rd in Waverly" -- W. 33rd exists and is Hampden, East 33rd doesn't exist. The Sun published three versions of the story with the wrong location, reporting the incident first in Charles Village, then a rare correction said no, sorry, it was near Union Memorial Hospital, then it was E. 33rd in Waverly before finally getting the location right on the fourth story, two days after the beating.

    As long as I've been doing this the Sun has been bad about getting addresses and neighborhoods right. Exacerbating the sloppy, there usually isn't a correction, there'll just be a different location in a later version.

  35. I know it sounds petty to fuss about this stuff, but on the other hand, one of the main reasons I catalog all of this misery is that if something happens three blocks from my house, I want to know about it, and sooner rather than later.
