Saturday, December 1, 2007


A man was reportedly shot to death tonight at Windsor Mill Road and Forest Park Avenue near Kernan Hospital.

Quentin Reddicks-Flowers was beaten with a tree branch Tuesday and later died, police have arrested 17-year-old Jermaine Cornish.

Gor called it! Turns out that the "noose" "found" at the fire station was put there by the firefighter who "found" it, one Donald Maynard, who's black. But the NAACP's "Doc" Cheatham doesn't blame Maynard for his actions, because the poor guy is a victim! "... evidently things have reached a stage that even an African-American does an injustice to himself and his own people as a result of a negative culture in that department."

More on the killing of Ty'wonde M. Jones, 13. Wonder why his seemingly able-bodied and available parents couldn't care for him?

Probation violations can lead to jail time even after acquittal-- and these three prosecutors look positively gleeful about it

A 17-year-old boy was stabbed outside Landsdowne Shopping Center Friday in the county.

Dixon on the state investigation of city contracts: "I don't know what it is [or] why they're doing this witch hunt."

Dixon on the other fire department scandal: there's "strong evidence" that firefighters cheated on a promotional exam-- by looking at the test questions from 2001. (Isn't looking at past exam questions how you're supposed to study?)

On Friday the Court of Appeals began hearing the disciplinary case against tart-tongued County Circuit Judge Bruce Lamdin.

"A year and a half after Baltimore-based A&B Check Cashing collapsed, $17 million is still missing, one owner is dead and the other one isn't talking."

A a woman was assaulted and robbed on Taplow Rd. in Homeland; an 83-year-old woman bringing in her trash can was robbed in Essex; two robberies at gunpoint near the Hopkins Homewood campus, also a locksmith on Charles Street and woman on Woodbourne Ave robbed at gunpoint.

Did you know? The Johns Hopkins News-letter reports that "Councilwoman fraternities say neighborhood relations tense," but an ordinance that went into effect last month that "will allow police to 'padlock' or effectively shut down houses for a year that have received more than two complaints over six month period."


  1. Damnit people, Ty'wonde is not a real name! Give your children proper first names!

  2. WOW, excessive noise from Hopkins students really must be quite a problem in the Charles Village area for MCP to take such a thoughtful and commanding position on that issue!

    I suppose her constituents don't tell her about the rapes, murders, burglaries & car thefts that are occurring simultaneously in that same area. Focusing instead on noise pollution (can she quite down those pesky city buses also??) is something she should really be proud of! I really hope the source of every one of those 22 bogus reports gets a gun stuck in their ear next time they're out walking their precious Fifi....

  3. Mary Pat Clarke is a jackass, and it boggles my mind that her constituents continue to elect her. What exactly has she done other than get a bar shut down and kick a fraternity out of their house? Yeah, loud frat parties can be annoying, but violent crime is a far bigger pain in the ass!

  4. I really have a problem with the grandmother's statement "But when they get a certain age, you can't tell them what to do."

    To me, that's the ultimate cop-out. Hell, I'm almost 40 and my mother has NO problem telling me what to do, and my father was the same way before he died. Jeez -- children don't expire after a certain age like milk or meat -- you're supposed to tell them what to do until the day you die. That's infuriating.

  5. If only the Bear Season regulations could be applied to select individuals in Baltimore City, I would promise a 30-50% reduction in overall crime immediately following the "season". If only...

  6. All right, riddle me this. How would one pronounce Ty'wonde? How old was Monica, his mother, when he was born? Why did his Grandmother adopt him when he was six? I'm under the impression that the Grandmother may not have the skills to properly raise children, since it appears she may not have done a good job the first time around and now this.

    BTW, here in Baltimore, it's open season all year around, no license required.

  7. Why grandma? Methinks, Gor, that you've not heard of the scam that is kinship foster care, whereby relatives get cash and benefits worth many times what AFDC would be for a parent, but without work requirements or any time limit. Relatives also can get child care, medical care and even money for furniture. And rather than the incremental increase in benefits with AFDC, kinship foster care $$ is per child (around $600 a month per I believe), and there's also a bonus-- I mean, subsidy, involved if the relative adopts them. And it's all tax-free. (For the recipients that is... our tax dollars pay for it.) The new system has, apparently, created families whose main profession is scamming the government.

    Here's a story on it that takes place in NY, but MD's got the same thing going on.

    The kinship foster care travesty is also a main theme of Judge Judy's opus rant, "Don't Pee on My Leg and Tell Me it's Raining," guaranteed to send any tax-paying parent's blood pressure through the roof.

  8. Actually I never heard of that. Now I am sorely depressed.

  9. Wow. That sort of crap is what turns normal people into Republicans.

  10. Here's a somewhat interesting article in the Sun about theNorth Branch Correctional Institution. For once my tax dollars are being spent on something I approve of.

    Speaking of prisons, wasn't there a plan to shut down MCAC ("supermax") in Baltimore a few years ago? I'm assuming that plan was scuttled, especially since they had to close the MD House of Corrections.
