Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Afternoon Update

Vernice Harris, a 30-year-old "mother" has been charged in the murder of her two-year-old daughter, Bryanna Ashley. Along with the beating death of 3-year-old Jabari Stocks, the most depressing story of '07.

Former Hopkins doctor Dr. Todd Brinsley Sheridan pleaded guilty to automobile manslaughter and driving under the influence of alcohol. He killed 22-year-old Letrice Smith by driving the wrong way on the JFX-- he drove a rather remarkable 4.5 miles after entering on the the North Avenue ramp before the accident, says the SA's office. Under terms of the plea agreement, Sheridan faces a maximum of three years in prison. Judge Robert Kershaw scheduled sentencing for April 21, 2008. Sheridan had previously been convicted of DUI in 2004.

County police are seeking a home-invasion/robbery suspect driving a 2003 white Honda Civic Maryland registration JYC928.


  1. I know that talk of forcible sterilization gives some people the creeps and seems kind of fascist, but people like Vernice Harris really should not be reproducing. I mean for god's sake, read this:

    "The documents allege the mother had drug-addicted friends visit and that the baby was fed methadone "to keep her quiet.""

  2. Yep.

    And this well-intended editorial kinda misses the relevant point:

    It's not so much about all the decent people in Baltimore acting as such. The real problem is that there just really aren't that many.

    A minimum of a third of all young males here are known by the court to be criminals.(see the blog entry). Ergo, their facilitating female associates (mothers, girlfriends, etc.) who make up an equal or greater slice of the population aren't very civically-minded, either.

    So,... what we have is simply a demographic problem. Gotta get cruddy people into jail or outta Baltimore.

    As long as they are a majority, juries haven't a chance and Baltimore is a sanctuary for criminals.

  3. For women like Vernice Harris, I'm all for forcible sterilization. I have a friend who works for the Guardian Ad Litem office in Florida, and the stories she tells me literally make me cry. For God's sake, what kind of mother does that to a baby?

    Just heard on the news -- the two "Little Dears" (how I love that phrase...) who poured drain cleaner that burned a toddler in a park -- they were sentenced to a year's home detention. What a crock.

  4. Home detention for those little bastards? You have got to be kidding me. Didn't that happen out in the county? There normally more serious about punishing criminals out there. If it were up to me those little punks would've been flogged.

  5. It boggles the mind, that kind of child abuse. There are so many cheap, effective ways to avoid being pregnant, it's about as easy as it can be in the city to get un-pregnant, and once a baby's born, lots of ways to get it to a loving home. What's worse, that there are 'parents' out there more dangerous to their children than a pack of wolves, or that all of that suffering is so easily preventable. Or maybe it's the fact that so many of these 'parents' get paid tax dollars to do such a dismal job, when decent parents who work get no support from society whatsoever.

    You can't think about this stuff too much or you'll go crazy.
    That people like Julie Drake (who prosecutes in the city) or Carol's friend can deal with it on a daily basis is amazing.

  6. Baltimore seeks tougher gun laws

    "Baltimore State's Attorney Patricia C. Jessamy and Mayor Sheila Dixon want new legislation to keep people convicted of gun crimes in prison longer and require anyone who has lost a weapon to report the disappearance to police within three days."

    This article reminds me why I hate the NRA. None of the laws they're proposing would restrict the ability of law-abiding citizens to own guns, but the NRA nuts are still freaking out. By the way here's a good example of how screwed up sentencing laws in this state are.

    "If a person has been convicted of a violent crime or felony drug offense, a second conviction for a crime involving a handgun carries a mandatory sentence of five years in prison without parole. That doesn't mean the offender serves all five years. Ludwig said that he has reviewed cases in which the offender was freed in less than three years due to good-time credits."

    Mandatory five w/o parole STILL doesn't mean you'll end up doing five years.

  7. Please write to or call your legislative delegates and tell them you support HB 34 by Delegate Sonny Minnick (D-Baltimore County). This bill toughens sentencing for violent felons and increases the mandatory minimum sentence for raping a child under the age of 13.

  8. really? only 3 years for vehicular manslaughter, when this was NOT his first dui?
    that deal looks too good for that scumbag.

  9. Cyb: Not only does she see horribly abused children day in and day out, she's one of the kindest, most sane people I've ever met. I joke all the time that I'd either kill myself or someone else after a week on the job...I don't know how they do it.

    Ppatin: Yep -- a year's home detention. That's it.

  10. This utterly ridiculous!!! A 2nd time DUI driver on the wrong side of the highway crashes, the person dies & it's called only MANSLAUGHTER!! THIS IS 1ST DEGREE MURDER!! I could care less if he worked in a soup kitchen the rest of his life, he still belongs behind bars forever.

    This is a case of I got money, I'm white, victim was black, it really doesnt matter.

    I am so sick of cases like this when a black person's life is not valued.

  11. Actually, the last fatal drunk-driving "accident" victim in the city, Matthew Stoffel, was white ("A 3-foot pole from the fence had impaled Stoffel's face and throat and through the windshield"), and that driver also served no time.

    In fact, I've never heard of a drunk driver serving time in the city, no matter what the consequence, even if they kill someone! If anyone has heard of a drunk serving time do let us know. Maybe the stripper who ran over the MTA officer will be the first.
