Friday, January 18, 2008

Freakonomics does The Wire, episode 2

Sudhir Venkatesh watched the second episode of The Wire with his thug pals, and published their thoughts on the Freakonomics blog.


  1. "A jury has found inmate Brandon Morris guilty of the murder of correctional officer Jeffery Wroten.

    More details soon."

    Err, why thank you Baltimore Sun, the only problem is what was he found guilty of? Even his lawyers didn't pretend that he was innocent. I guess this probably means he was convicted of capital murder.

  2. Ok, WBAL was a little clearer.

    "ELLICOTT CITY, Md. -- A jury has found inmate Brandon Morris guilty of the murder of a Maryland correctional officer during his escape from a Hagerstown hospital nearly two years ago.

    The verdict on Friday qualifies Morris for the death penalty. The sentencing phase of the trial begins Tuesday."

    Hopefully Maryland's death row will soon have a new resident.

  3. I agree with them, the whole Sun story line is a big zzz.
    Starting to realize that I probably wouldn't be watching the show if it didn't take place in Baltimore. There's not much tension or narrative arc, just meandering, pervasive despair.
    It would be cool if there were plot twists like Bunk being a "fly," but I don't see it happening.

  4. Cybrarian, are you talking about the fifth season, or the series as a whole? I've always thought that the first few episodes of each season were a little slow, but there are a lot of characters and subplots to address.

    I thought the plot and tension picked up a bit with the third episode (hooray for HBO On Demand!). I'm a little worried that there's too much to wrap up in such a short season: Avon, Marlow, Omar, the BPD, the season 4 kids, the Greeks, the Sun, Clay Davis, major crimes, and friggin' McNulty. It's quite a tall order for a show.

  5. 28-year old idiot David Abrams got himself shot and tasered by county cops after lunging at them with a knife. He's in good condition at Bayview.

  6. Cecelia Brown, 51, and Charles Cully, 29 are the victims of an apparent double murder in Annapolis.

  7. Mr. Cully has quite the criminal record. Drugs, burglary, non-payment of child support and bad driving.

  8. Whoa, it looks like the subprime debacle has led to a murder-suicide by the vice president of a bankrupt HoCo lender.

  9. This guy is such a slimeball, I cannot believe there are sheeple out there who are dumb enough to tithe to him.

    Pastor and wife involved in a schism

    In divorce court: Megachurch pastor Jamal-Harrison Bryant and his wife of 5 1/2 years, Gizelle Bryant.

    She filed in Montgomery County on Jan. 9, alleging adultery. She states in court papers that the pastor makes more than $350,000 a year.

    He filed in Baltimore City the same day. His complaint says nothing about cheating. It does state that "there is no hope of reconciliation."

    "This is a private matter between Dr. Bryant and his wife, and we'd like to keep this matter private," said Jimmy A. Bell, lawyer for the Empowerment Temple pastor.

    The couple have three children, 1-year-old twins and a 3-year-old.

  10. Nice review!!! Its a nice episode. Even I think all episodes of the wire tv show are good to watch. I Watch The Wire Episodes online for free from an informative site for this show. Its really an good show...

  11. The best show I would say. Its all episodes are quite interesting and I have seen Full Episodes of The Wire TV Show online. This season is also very good.
