Tuesday, January 1, 2008

January 1

Lewis Lee Cochran was arrested in the Edgewood home invasion on Sunday that left one man dead.

A Maryland Transportation Authority officer was the victim of a hit and run last night near 95 and 395. WJZ says he was killed, but WJZ says a lot of things.

The man killed outside the Stop, Shop & Save on N. Caroline St. last Friday has been ID'd as 25-year-old Todd Dargan.

Also in the Blotter (above link), the carjacker who desperately needed a '91 Blazer got arrested, the guy who got shot finally remembered where it happened, and teenagers in the metro area just aren't being very nice to each other.

Bringin' in the new year at juvie.

Looks like at least a few of the teens charged with beating Sarah Kreager on the MTA's No. 27 bus tried to claim that Kreager started the fight.

William A. Hendry IV allegedly taped he and his ex-wife having sex without her consent.

A 43-year-old man in Annapolis was stabbed after four men accused him of an earlier robbery.

Today's tip for stupid criminals: Don't ask a cop to move his car when (a) you're carrying around nearly 9 grams of wacky tabaccy, and (b) you're the reason the police were called in the first place.

The Examiner has a bunch of pretty neat year-end recaps that include updates on some major stories. Here's the one for Baltimore City.

Vandals in HoCo painted hateful messages on cars, houses, and driveways in well-to-do Clarksville.

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