Thursday, January 17, 2008

January 17

There are several substantial stories on Mr. Hallback today, but nobody can agree on how to spell the guy's first name: The Sun writes Zachariah, The Examiner, WYPR and WBAL TV have Zecariah, WJZ follows the City Paper and brings Zechariah to the table, and ABC2 News has more important things to cover than murdered teenagers who were working on education reform.
A viewing for Hallenback will be held on Friday from 3-7 p.m. at the Chavis Funeral Home, 2007 Eastern Ave. The funeral is scheduled for 9:30 a.m., Saturday at Israel Baptist Church, Preston and Washington.

The guy with the post about Mr. Hallback and the "Stop Snitching" photo that inspired some discussion in yesterday's comments promises that he'll explain his rationale for using that image on his site.

Soman Narayanan Thamby is now facing first-degree murder charges for fatally stabbing his wife, Lesa Lynn Thamby, last year.

The Bowling Brook counselors might get off on their reckless endangerment charges.

Jurors are deliberating about Sean Nelson Smith's innocence. Or lack thereof.

A nurse called 911 to say she saw Brandon Morris shoot prison guard Jeffery Wroten, but the jury won't hear it because the nurse might not have actually seen the shooting.

Dr. Sharfstein wants to reduce illegal bupe on the streets. Yeah, because the city has been so successful in reducing other illegal drugs here.

Stupid a-hole.


  1. Well, the pastor "explained" his stop snitching photo and he did one hell of a job talking around it and never condemning it at all...

  2. but he did end his "explanation" that "Stop Snitching" wasn't "born on inner city corners" as he alluded that it actually came from "“white collar” criminals and well-financed politicians".

    I get the feeling that the good pastor thinks "whitey" is to blame for this too (I could be wrong, but reading that website kind of points me in that direction, in my humble opinion)

  3. LOL! Remember when all those crooks from Enron were going to testify againt Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling and had their houses firebombed as a result? Oh wait, that never happened...

  4. The Brandon Morris case is a fine example of why I despise lawyers and the legal system they've created. Morris is unquestionably guilty of murdering a corrections officer. There's no doubt about the evidence, and no possible excuse of justification for his actions. Despite that it took two years from the time of the killing for the case to go to trial, the trial itself took a week, and if he receives a death sentence we can look forward to another decade or more of appeals. If it weren't for all the legalese bullshit Morris could have been convicted and executed within a month of the killing.

  5. "I’m going to work hard at the panel discussion to minimize the finger-pointing and demonizing ... It’s time that we discuss the Stop Snitchin’ code that “white collar” criminals and well-financed politicians ascribe to as well.
    You didn’t think that the 'Stop Snitchin' code was born on inner city corners now did you?"

    Hyuk! I guess he limits the finger-pointing to the blog-o-sphere.

  6. I get the feeling that the good pastor thinks "whitey" is to blame for this too (I could be wrong, but reading that website kind of points me in that direction, in my humble opinion)

    I got the same impression, and it really angered me. And that's about all I can say without really letting loose, and I've had a nice day so far.

  7. Good catch Cy, I didn't even see that.

    As for who the pastor seems to associate with that I would consider "strange", just check out some of his links (militant maybe?).

  8. I think someone needs to play Scrabulous and forget about crime.

    I'm just sayin'.

  9. Well, if he's going to play Scrabulous he better hurry, because Hasbro has unleased their "Dogs of Law" and are going to shut it in!

    Not that I would think the good pastor would mind uless Scrabulous is owned by Amerikkkan Afrikans (this term I found on one of his sponsored links).

  10. I came to the realization during the whole firehouse-fake-noose incident that there really is a cabal conspiring to keep the black man down, one with much to gain and everything to lose by their empowerment-- the NAACP and their buddies.

    If you wanted to keep a group from advancing, you couldn't do much better than telling said group at every opportunity that they're victims and everyone who's not in the group is against them, and the evil is so vast that there's no point in pursing productive activities like promoting education and entrepreneurship, the best you can do is throw a pity-party involving standing on the corner with a signs like "The state of Maryland is designed to keep black children from progressing!"

    Most annoying, I don't think that many people who share their point of view, but groups like the NAACP have appointed themselves to speak for everyone "of color," regardless. I guess the mentality is that as all white people are against the group, all black people are with it, and evidence to the contrary is some kind of odd exception.

    I wonder sometimes if "Doc" et al really believe this, or they're just trying to keep themselves employed by telling certain people what they want to hear (everything is someone else's fault, change is futile, etc).

  11. ps. Carol that someone who needs to play Scrabulous is you-- take your turn!!

  12. Just a warning, my post below is going to have a few very minor spoilers about the third episode of The Wire.

    About a month ago they released a sort of trailer for the final season, and they showed a brief scene where a reporter makes a remark how no one cares about three people getting killed in a home invasion because they were "in the wrong zip code." At the time I rolled my eyes a bit thinking "my, aren't the show's writers being heavy handed. "

    Fast forward to last week and the Hallback (I'm giving up on how to spell his first name since our local news outlets can't figure out how it's spelled) murder. Can you imagine what would happen if an 18-year old Hopkins student was executed that way? Today as I watched episode 3 and I saw the scene with the "wrong zip code" line again it felt like a life imitating art kind of moment. I know every murder in this city can't be front page news, and I know that some murders will always get more attention than others. That's the way life works. Still, Mr. Hallback was a law-abiding citizen who was shot dead in cold-blood, and if it weren't for Doc Cheatham (I can't believe I'm saying good things about that guy!) the overwhelming majority of our news outlets wouldn't have even acknowledged that it happened.

    [/rant off]

  13. From the Sun's latest Brandon Morris article:

    "Defense attorney Arcangelo Tuminelli suggested in his closing argument that Officer Jeffery Wroten was startled and reached for his gun when Brandon Morris, a Muslim, suddenly sat up in bed to pray.

    Tuminelli suggested that during an ensuing confrontation, Wroten fell backward and the gun fired as the men struggled with it. But he says that would only be second-degree murder."

    Lamest excuse ever.

  14. "if it weren't for Doc Cheatham the overwhelming majority of our news outlets wouldn't have even acknowledged that it happened."

    Why is that, do you think, that the local media pays so much attention to what he has to say?

  15. The reason that Hallback's murder got coverage is because people with the Algebra Project and the local NAACP finally spoke up and shared information about who this kid was, so the media could do stories about him. Prior to that, there was a dearth of information on him. His family has avoided the media spotlight. Notice that no relatives were at the vigil earlier this week. To do stories, you need people to step up and talk and provide information, which doesn't happen a lot in city murders. And that wasn't happen last week when Zach was first shot. But it finally happened -- sort of -- this week. As someone who works in local media, who tries to track down relatives of dead people on occasion, it can be a tad harder than most think. Especially if the dead victim was on the fringes of society, semi-homeless, a juvie living in foster care, etc. And then getting people to talk on the record is another challenge, b/c some fear they'll look like they're "snitchin'", by talking to the press.

  16. For some reason this reminds me of the murder of Marcus McDowell last year around the same time - 16 year old kid, not a criminal, trying to help out his friends who were being robbed, if I recall correctly. And it depresses the hell out of me.

  17. Anon:

    I can understand that getting information can be tough, but this was a murder and four of the five media outlets that I checked did not even acknowledge that it happened. Sorry, but that just sucks.

  18. Sheila Dixon says she's going to end homelessness in ten years. I cannot believe there are people who actually buy into this bullshit. Just what we need, take more money from productive citizens and give it away as handouts! To hell with hiring more cops, or not paying our police officers the shittiest salaries in the regions, or to maybe hiring more prosecutors and funding the court system better. We need more give-aways to drunks and junkies!

  19. Whoa, I just read this in the lates Brandon Morris article.

    ""It's clear and obvious that the defendant would have had to be deliberate," Michael said as he showed the jury a photograph of Wroten, who weighed 430 pounds. Morris, who weighed 175 pounds when he was admitted to the hospital, wouldn't have been able to disable the correctional officer without careful planning, Michael said."

    430 pounds! Christ, DOC really doesn't have any physical fitness standards at all!

  20. No way, that has GOT to be a typo. How could he even walk?!

  21. Apparently not a type, The Sun is saying the same thing.

    "Washington County Deputy State's Attorney Joseph Michael argued that for Morris to overwhelm Wroten, who weighed more than 400 pounds, and take his gun, the defendant would have had to come up with a plan."

    Screw overwhelming the guy, just walk away from him at a brisk pace.

  22. ppatin, That's the funniest escape plan I think I've ever encountered.
