Monday, January 21, 2008

January 21

Two victims were ID'd this morning. The man shot last week on Cliftmont Ave. was 19-year-old Isaiah McKeiver, and the man who was killed on Saturday night on Holbrook St. was identified as 20-year-old Effrem Devon Kearney.

A key witness is missing, and the case against alleged triple-shooter Vincent Berry is on hold. Another potential witness in the case was murdered in November even though he wasn't snitching.

Deputy Mayor Salima Siler Marriott talks about her son, Patrice, who was recently indicted on federal gun charges.
QTD: "You can’t enter corporate at 27, black, 250 pounds, 6-foot-4. They just don’t have no black people up in there like that."

Walter Buczynski didn't kill himself and his wife because his subprime mortgage company was in the crapper, or so says fellow executives at the Columbia company that is "financially circling the drain."

Jason Blizzard of Taneytown is in serious condition after allegedly being stabbed by his 16-year-old brother, Ryan.

Wow. Witnesses and a victim worked with effective cops to arrest a criminal. Weird.

It's good to see some under appreciated weapons getting some face time.

Criminal tip for the day: If you're part of a successful, international car theft ring, don't leave your cell phone behind.

Politicians in Annapolis are spinning their wheels and blowing hot air.

Iris, one of only 71 dogs in the country who is trained to search for accelerants in suspected arson cases, is retiring from the AAC fire department. And should Iris ever be in need of a transfusion, you can help her out.


  1. Did anyone listen to the retard who was sitting in for Ed Norris today? I caught a few minutes of him around noon, and it was just painful to listen to that level of stupidity.

  2. ha, i did! Do you think the accent is real?

    So I realized last night exactly why The Wire is so boring. All of the characters are completely flat! Omar is the only one who's at all dynamic. Otherwise it's like watching fish in a tank. Everybody's one-note.

  3. is it just me or is that Salima Siler Marriott quote disturbing on about three levels at once?

  4. The Wire? Flat characters? Are you referring to this season or the whole show?

    Also, wasn't Salima Marriott a very pro-criminal legislator when she was in the general assembly, or am I confusing her with someone else?

  5. I pondered it a bit more, and I guess they have killed off the majority of the most interesting characters on the show. Stringer Bell, D'Angelo Barksdale & Bodie all come to mind. I'm hoping that we see more of Carver during the rest of season 5. His transformation from a doofus like Herc into "good police" was one of my favorite parts of the show. The scene in season 4 where he's walking down the burn unit hall, and Randy is saying something like "what, are you gonna help me, are you gonna keep us safe" still gives me the chills.

    I think the show's biggest weakness this season is McNulty. At this point he's just an obnoxious, drunken dickhead (I felt awful for Beattie when they showed her in episode 1 or 2) and I cannot believe he managed to get Lester to go along with his hairbrained scheme.

  6. is it just me or is that Salima Siler Marriott quote disturbing on about three levels at once?

    It's beyond disturbing. I can only imagine the garbage she fed her son to make sure he never succeeded in life. Hell, with a mother like that, the poor kid was doomed.

  7. I guess this season. last season the kids were pretty 'round,' but this time no one seems to have any internal life, they just react to different stimuli.

    Q: is "up in there" bad grammar? It sounds wrong, but I'm wondering if it's actually not.

  8. Yes it's bad if the "they just don't have no" part wasn't bad enough...

  9. Don't worry, I'm clear on the double negatives and that "corporate" is not a noun. But is it always wrong to say "up in there?" Like, "how did he get to the fifth floor?"
    "You know the elevator? I think he got up in there."

  10. "Did you have sexual relations with that woman in the oval office?" "Yes, sir, I got up in there." Or, conversely, "No, I couldn't get it up in there, but it worked fine when we were in the back of the car."

    Hmmm... That didn't contribute anything of value to the discussion, did it? So sorry.

    Oh, and I purposely didn't quote anything from the Marriott interview in my original post. I figured I'd let it be like an Easter egg, a reward for everyone who clicked the link.

  11. oh sorry, I didn't mean to subvert your artistic blogspression!
